Open-CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.7.45
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
No Matches
/package/devices/family element


Define properties that are in common to all devices of a family. These properties are inherited by subgroups or elements. This is a mechanism of granulation to reduce redundancy.
Multiple <family> groups can be defined.


<family Dfamily="STM32F2" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<processor .../>
<debugconfig .../>
<debugvars .../>
<sequences .../>
<compile .../>
<memory .../>
<algorithm .../>
<book .../>
<description> Write texte here </description>
<environment> ... </environment>
<feature .../>
<debugport .../>
<debug .../>
<trace .../>
<subFamily DsubFamily="...">
<device Dname="...">


Parents Element Chain
devices /package/devices
Attributes Description Type Use
Dfamily Name of the device family. xs:string required
Dvendor Device vendor name. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Vendor. DeviceVendorEnum required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
processor List all processors that are in common to devices of the family. ProcessorType 0..*
debugconfig Specify default settings for the debug connection relevant to all devices of the family. DebugConfigType 0..1
compile Specify compile or translate options that are relevant to all devices of the family. CompileType 0..*
debugvars Define global debug access variables for settings relevant to all devices of the family unless replaced by debugvars on subFamily, device or variant level DebugVarsType 0..1
sequences Describe debug access sequences relevant to all devices of the family. SequencesType 0..1
debugport Describe a debug port relevant to all devices of the family. DebugPortType 0..*
accessportV1 Describe an access port (APv1) relevant to all devices of the family. AccessPortV1Type 0..*
accessportV2 Describe an access port (APv2) relevant to all devices of the family. AccessPortV2Type 0..*
debug Specify debug options that are relevant to all devices of the family. DebugType 0..*
trace Specify trace options that are relevant to all devices of the family. TraceType 0..*
memory Specify memory areas that are available for all devices of the family. MemoryType 0..*
algorithm Specify Flash programming algorithms that are suitable for all devices. AlgorithmType 0..*
flashinfo Specify additional information required to download application code into Flash that is available for all devices of the family. FlashInfoType 0..*
book Specify documents that are relevant for all devices of a family. BookType 0..*
description Describe the device family. DescriptionType 0..*
environment Specify tool specific settings. EnvironmentType 0..*
feature Specify features that are available in all members of the device family. DeviceFeatureType 0..*
subFamily A optional sub-family that is used to group devices. group 0..*
device Individual devices that belong to the device family. DeviceType 0..*



Define properties that are in common to all devices of a subFamily. This is another mechanism of granulation to reduce redundancy. These properties are inherited by subgroups or elements. Multiple <subFamily> groups can be defined.


<family Dfamily="STM32F2" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<subFamily DsubFamily="...">
<processor .../>
<debugconfig .../>
<debugvars .../>
<sequences .../>
<compile .../>
<memory .../>
<algorithm .../>
<book .../>
<description> Write texte here </description>
<environment> ... </environment>
<feature .../>
<debugport .../>
<debug .../>
<trace .../>
<device Dname="...">
<subFamily DsubFamily="STM32F2xx">


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
Attributes Description Type Use
DsubFamily Name of the device sub family. xs:string required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
processor Specify processors that are available in all devices of the sub-family. ProcessorType 0..*
compile Specify compile or translate options that are relevant to all devices of the sub-family. CompileType 0..*
debugconfig Specify default settings for the debug connection relevant to all devices of the sub-family. DebugConfigType 0..1
debugvars Define global debug access variables for user-defined settings relevant to all devices of the sub-family. DebugVarsType 0..1
sequences Describe debug access sequences relevant to all devices of the sub-family. SequencesType 0..1
debugport Describe a debug port relevant to all devices of the sub-family. DebugPortType 0..*
accessportV1 Describe an access port (APv1) relevant to all devices of the sub-family. AccessPortV1Type 0..*
accessportV2 Describe an access port (APv2) relevant to all devices of the sub-family. AccessPortV2Type 0..*
debug Specify debug options that are relevant to all devices of the sub-family. DebugType 0..*
trace Specify trace options that are relevant to all devices of the sub-family. TraceType 0..*
memory Specify memory areas that are available in all device of the sub-family. MemoryType 0..*
algorithm Specify Flash programming algorithms that can be used by all device of the sub-family. AlgorithmType 0..*
flashinfo Specify additional information required to download application code into Flash that is available for all devices of the sub-family. FlashInfoType 0..*
book Specify documents relevant for all device of the sub-family. BookType 0..*
description Description of the device family. DescriptionType 0..*
environment Specify tool specific settings. EnvironmentType 0..*
feature Specify features available in devices of the sub-family. DeviceFeatureType 0..*
device List individual devices that belong to the device sub-family. DeviceType 0..*



Define properties that are specific to a device. Properties defined on upper levels get inherited, unless they can be overwritten. Multiple <device> elements can be defined.


<subFamily DsubFamily="STM32F405">
<device Dname="STM32F405OE">
<memory name="Flash" access="rx" start="0x08000000" size="0x80000" startup="1" default="1"/>
<algorithm name="Flash/STM32F4xx_1024.flm" start="0x08000000" size="0x80000" default="1" style="Keil"/>
<feature type="IOs" n="72" name="Input and Output Ports"/>
<device Dname="STM32F405OG">
<memory name="Flash" access="rx" start="0x08000000" size="0x100000" startup="1" default="1"/>
<algorithm name="Flash/STM32F4xx_1024.flm" start="0x08000000" size="0x100000" default="1" style="Keil"/>
<feature type="IOs" n="72" name="Input and Output Ports"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
Attributes Description Type Use
Dname Specifies the name of the device. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
processor Specify processors that are specific to this device. ProcessorType 0..*
debugconfig Specify default settings for the debug connection specific to this device. DebugConfigType 0..1
compile Specify compile or translate options specific to this device. CompileType 0..*
memory Specify memory areas that specific to this device. MemoryType 0..*
algorithm Specify Flash programming algorithms that can be used by this device. AlgorithmType 0..*
flashinfo Specify additional information required to download application code into Flash that is specific to this device. FlashInfoType 0..*
book Specify documents specific to this device. BookType 0..*
description Description specific to this device. DescriptionType 0..*
feature Specify the features of this device. DeviceFeatureType 0..*
environment Specify tool options. EnvironmentType 0..*
debugport Describe a debug port specific to this device. DebugPortType 0..*
accessportV1 Describe an access port (APv1) specific to this device. AccessPortV1Type 0..*
accessportV2 Describe an access port (APv2) specific to this device. AccessPortV2Type 0..*
debug Specify debug options specific to this device. DebugType 0..*
trace Specify trace options specific to this device. TraceType 0..*
debugvars Define debug access variables for user-defined settings specific to this device. DebugVarsType 0..1
sequences Describe debug access sequences specific to this device. SequencesType 0..1
variant Complex element specifying a variant of a device. xs:ComplexType 0..*



Specify Flash programming algorithms with the address range and its size. An algorithm with <default> set to true gets configured automatically to the download options of the project. Algorithms can be defined on various levels. If the memory range and style are identical, the one on the lower level takes precedence.
Multiple <algorithm> elements are possible. But as they are uniquely identified by their names, all algorithms must have a different name.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<!-- use for all devices of the family -->
<algorithm name="Flash\STM32F2xx_512.flm" start=0x08000000 size=0x10000 default="1" style="Keil"/>
<subFamily DsubFamily="STM32F405">
<!-- use for all devices of a subFamily -->
<algorithm name="Flash/STM32F2xx_1024.flm" start=0x08000000 size=0x20000 default="1" style="Keil"/>
<device Dname="STM32F405OE">
<!-- finally, this is the default for the device -->
<algorithm name="Flash/STM32F2xx_2048.flm" start=0x08000000 size=0x40000 default="1" style="Keil"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors that require different algorithms. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
name Flash Programming Algorithm file including the path, which is relative to the root folder of the software pack. xs:string required
start Base address for the Flash programming algorithm. NonNegativeInteger required
size Size covered by the Flash programming algorithm. End address = start + size - 1 NonNegativeInteger required
RAMstart Base address for the RAM where the Flash programming algorithm will be executed from. If specified, the memory element does not require a default attribute. NonNegativeInteger optional
RAMsize Maximum size of RAM available for the execution of the Flash programming algorithm. End address = start + size - 1 is used for the Stack. If specified, the memory element does not require a default attribute. NonNegativeInteger optional
default If true, then this is the default Flash programming algorithm that gets configured in a project. If not specified or set to false, then the Flash programming algorithm can be configured on a lower level. However, the Flash programming algorithm of a project can be changed manually at any time during development. xs:boolean optional
style [Version 1.4.0] Today, different toolchains support different styles of incompatible flash programming algorithms. The attribute specifies the style of the specified flash programming algorithm. For backward compatibility the default value is Keil. The aim is to converge to the CMSIS style. AlgorithmStyleEnum




Specify Flash information that the debugger can use to erase and program Flash memories without the use of target RAM based Flash download algorithms.
The child elements <block> and <gap> describe the memory and programming layout of a flash device:

  • The first child element has the base address start.
  • The base address of the second child element is start incremented by the size of the first child element.
  • The base address of all following child elements calculates respectively.

Flash information can be defined on various levels. Multiple <flashinfo> elements are possible. If the memory range is identical, the one on the lower level takes precedence. Overlap of Flash information ranges is not allowed.


<device ... >
<!-- Flash Device Info for this device -->
<flashinfo name="Internal Flash 1" start="0" pagesize="64" emptyval="0xFFFFFFFF" filler="0xFFFFFFFF" ptime="3000" etime="3000" Pname="Cortex-M23">
<block count="1" size="0x100" arg="0"/>
<block count="10" size="0x100" arg="0"/>
<gap size="0x10000" />
<block count="2" size="0x100" arg="1" />


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of the specified flash device. xs:string required
start Base address of the specified flash device as mapped into target memory system. NonNegativeInteger required
pagesize Programming page size. NonNegativeInteger required
blankval Expected memory value for unprogrammed address ranges (64-bit value). The access size used to read back programmed memory defines the number of least significant bytes of this value that are compared. Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if not specified. NonNegativeInteger optional
filler Value that a debugger uses to fill the remainder of a programming page (64-bit value). The access size used in FlashBufferWrite defines the number of least significant bytes of this value to write. Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if not specified. NonNegativeInteger optional
ptime Timeout in milliseconds for programming a page. Defaults to 100 if not specified. xs:unsignedInt optional
etime Timeout in milliseconds for erasing a sector. Defaults to 300 if not specified. xs:unsignedInt optional
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors that require different algorithms. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
block /package/devices/family/.../flashinfo/block FlashInfoBlockType 0..*
gap /package/devices/family/.../flashinfo/gap FlashInfoGapType




Specify properties of one or multiple subsequent blocks of flash device that have the attributes. Its base address calculates from the parent <flashinfo> start address incremented by the size of all previous <block> and <gap> elements of this flash device.

Parents Element Chain
flashinfo /package/devices/family/.../flashinfo
Attributes Description Type Use
count Number of subsequent blocks of this flash device with identical properties. NonNegativeInteger required
size Block size in bytes. The overall memory size that is covered by this <block> element is count times size. NonNegativeInteger required
arg An optional argument to pass to flash operation sequence.
A debugger writes this value to the pre-defined debug access variable __FlashArg at start of a flash operation. It is a non-negative number specific to this device. Defaults to 0 if not specified.




Specify a gap between <block> elements of the parent. Its base address calculates from the parent <flashinfo> start address incremented by the size of all previous <block> and <gap> elements of this flash device.

Parents Element Chain
flashinfo /package/devices/family/.../flashinfo
Attributes Description Type Use
size Gap size in bytes. NonNegativeInteger




Specifies documents related to a device or a part. Books can be entered on various levels. The book element contains the location, the name and the extension of the file. The link to a document on an external web site is also allowed. The title is used for display purposes.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<book name="Documents/STM32F40x_DS.PDF" title="STM32F40x Data Sheet"/> <!-- valid for all devices of the family -->
<subFamily DsubFamily="STM32F405">
<book name="Documents/STM32F4xx_RM.pdf" title="STM32F4 Series Reference Manual"/> <!-- valid for all devices of a subFamily -->
<device Dname="STM32F405OE">
<book name="Documents/STM32F405OE_DS.PDF" title="STM32F405OE - Data Sheet"/> <!-- valid for this device; Inherits all above -->
<part Hvendor="STMicroelectronics" Hname="STSAFE-A110" Hvariant="STSAFA110DFSPL02" Hclass="Secure" Hgroup="Authentication">
<book name="Images/STSAFA110DFSPL02_image.jpg" title="image" public="true"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
part /package/parts/part
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors and where the book refers to a single processor only. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed.

Must not be used for package/parts/part.
RestrictedString optional
name File name of the document including the extension. The document path is relative to the package base folder. Directory/file names are case-sensitive. The link to a document on an external web site is also allowed. xs:string required
title Book title. Can be used for being displayed in various environments. xs:string required
public Set publishing permissions for the documentation. If <public> is true, then the vendor gives permission to extract the documentation from the pack and publish it on a web-page. Links to web pages are assumed to be public. The default value is true. xs:boolean optional



Specify the CMSIS-Core compliant device header file and a device specific preprocessor define automatically included and set by the build tools. In case of devices embedding multiple processor cores, an additional core specific define can be specified. In this case the Pname attribute becomes mandatory. This element can occur on various levels. Multiple elements are allowed. The last occurrence in the hierarchy determines the effective include path and define. It is required that each device has an effective header and define.

  • In the example below, the device STM32F407IG will have a define STM32F407IG. Previous defines are overridden.
  • It is good practice to add both attributes (header and define) in the attributes list of the compile element together. This clarifies the relationship between header file and define.
  • The name of the header file should be exported by the IDE to the RTE_Components.h file using the #define CMSIS_device_header.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<compile header="Device/Include/stm32f4xx.h"/>
<subFamily DsubFamily="STM32F407">
<compile header="Device/Include/stm32f4xx.h" define="STM32F40XX"/>
<device Dname="STM32F407IG">
<compile header="Device/Include/stm32f4xx.h" define="STM32F407IG"/>
Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors if the header and define is different for each processor. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
header CMSIS-Core compliant device header file with path relative to the pack's base folder. xs:string required
define Device specific preprocessor define (macro). This macro is set in the pre-processor command line (-D<macro>) and allows to select device specific code during preprocessing of the application code, e.g. enabling/disabling device specific definitions in the device header file. xs:string required
Pdefine This attribute can only be used for devices with multiple processor cores. It specifies a core specific preprocessor define (macro). This macro is set in the pre-processor command line (-D<macro>) and allows to select processor specific code during preprocessing of the application code, e.g. enabling/disabling core specific definitions in the device header file. xs:string optional



Brief description of the element. Can occur on various levels and gets inherited from upper level if not defined in the element. Should only contain the unique features of the element. Number of bullet points should not exceed ten. To create a detailed feature list use the /package/devices/family/.../feature instead.


<family Dfamily="STM32F2" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
STM32F2 devices are designed for medical, industrial and consumer
applications and provide rich connectivity peripherals.
- At 120 MHz CPU clock: 150 DMIPS executing from Flash memory
- ART Accelerator for low-power Flash execution (175 µA/MHz @ 120 MHz)
- Flexible Memory Controller supports Compact Flash, SRAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor Identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors and where the description is specific to a single processor. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional



Tool-specific elements for a device or a part.

Can occur on various levels.

Contains information that is specific for a development tool identified by the name attribute. The structure of the element is not specified in the schema file which gives the development tool full control of the element usage.


<family Dfamily="MySeries" Dvendor="Generic:5">
<environment name="MyConfigTool">
<family Dfamily="XMC1000 Series" Dvendor="Infineon:7">
<environment name="uv" Pname="M0">
<part Hvendor="STMicroelectronics" Hname="STSAFE-A110" Hvariant="STSAFA110DFSPL02" Hclass="Secure" Hgroup="Authentication">
<environment name="SomeConfigTool">

Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
part /package/parts/part
board /package/boards/board
environments /package/.../environments
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of the development tool (for example, "uv" for uVision) xs:string required
Pname Identifies the processor the setting belongs to. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed.

Must not be used for:
RestrictedString optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
any Any element that is available for the specified development tool.
For uVision, the following elements are available: <CMisc>, <AMisc>, <LMisc>, <preBuild1>, <preBuild2>, <preRun1>, <preRun2>, <postBuild1>, <postBuild2>, <postRun1>, <postRun>.
xs:anyAttribute 0..*



This element specifies peripherals that devices can have. This can be used on web sites for the display of device features.

Many device feature types are already predefined, such as timers, converters, Ethernet, USB, etc (for a complete list refer to table Device Feature Types). Features can be defined on various levels. Inner elements supersede outer elements.

This element can be used also to describe information about the features and capabilities of a package/parts/part. The list of the pre-defined features for Devices (Device Feature Types) can be used also for parts.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<!-- Features that are in common to this device family. -->
<feature type="TimerOther" n="1" name="Independent Watchdog Timer"/>
<feature type="TimerOther" n="1" name="Window Watchdog Timer"/> <!-- The same feature type can be specified multiple times -->
<feature type="Other" n="1" name="Temperature Sensor"/>
<feature type="CoreOther" n="1" name="96-bit Unique Identifier"/>
<feature type="CoreOther" n="1" name="CRC Calculation Unit"/>
<feature type="DMA" n="16" name="General Purpose DMA with Centralized FIFO and Burst Support"/>
<feature type="PowerOther" n="1" name="POR, PDR, PVD, and BOR"/>
<feature type="XTAL" n="4000000" m="26000000" name="Crystal Oscillator"/>
<feature type="IntRC" n="16000000" name="Internal Factory-Trimmed RC"/>
<feature type="IntRC" n="32000" name="Internal RC with Calibration"/>
<feature type="RTC" n="32000" name="RTC with 32 kHz calibrated Oscillator and Battery Backup"/>
<feature type="PowerMode" n="3" name="Run, Stop, Standby"/>
<feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="85"/>
<feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="105"/>
<feature type="Timer" n="4" m="16" name="General Purpose Timer"/>
<subFamily DsubFamily="STM32F407">
<!-- Features that are in common to this subFamily. -->
<feature type="IOs" n="36"/> <!-- Adds new feature to subFamily -->
<feature type="Timer" n="7" m="32" name="General Purpose Timer"/> <!-- Adds to settings from <family> -->
<device Dname="STM32F407IE">
<!-- Feature specific to this device. All above features are inherited. -->
<feature type="QFP" n="176" name="LQFP 176 24x24x1.4"/>
<part Hvendor="STMicroelectronics" Hname="STSAFE-A110" Hvariant="STSAFA110DFSPL02" Hclass="Secure" Hgroup="Authentication">
<feature type="Crypto" n="128.256" name="Authentication and security for peripherals and IoT devices from STMicroelectronics"/>

Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
part /package/parts/part
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor Identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed.

Must not be used for package/parts/part.
RestrictedString optional
type A feature (peripheral), such as CAN, DMA, I/O, LCD, etc. Predefined values must be used as listed in the table Device Feature Types.

Can be also used to describe the package/parts/part features. Predefined values must be used as listed in the table Device Feature Types.
DeviceFeatureTypeEnum required
n Depends on the element type. Check table Device Feature Types. xs:string optional
m Depends on the elemen type. Check table Device Feature Types. xs:string optional
name Descriptive name of the feature. For example, "16-bit down counting timer". If omitted, the Default Name is used as described in the table Device Feature Types. xs:string optional

Table: Device Feature Types

The table lists predefined device features (peripherals).

The attribute name of the element /package/devices/family/.../feature is a descriptive text for a feature. If name is omitted, then the Default Name is used.
type= n= m= Default Name Example Example shown as
NVIC Number of NVIC Interrupts N/A NVIC <feature type="NVIC" n="120" name="NVIC"/> NVIC with 120 interrupt sources
DMA Number of DMA Channels N/A DMA <feature type="DMA" n="16" name="High-Speed DMA"/> 16-channel High-Speed DMA
Crypto Bitwidth, given as decimal Number (see example) N/A Cryptographic Engine <feature type="Crypto" n="128.256" name="HW accelerated AES Encryption Engine"/> 128/256-bit HW accelerated AES Encryption Engine
RNG Number of RNGs N/A Random Number Generator <feature type="RNG" name="True Random Number Generator"/> True Random Number Generator
CoreOther Number of Features N/A Other Core Feature <feature type="CoreOther" n=1 name="96-bit Unique Identifier"/> 1 x 96-bit Unique Identifier
Memory Number of Bytes N/A Memory <feature type="Memory" n="128" name="EEPROM"/> 128 byte EEPROM
MemoryOther Number of Memories N/A Other Memory Type <feature type="MemoryOther" n="1" name="1 kB MRAM"/> 1 x 1 kB MRAM
ExtBus Bitwidth of Bus Interface N/A External Bus Interface <feature type="ExtBus" n="16" name="External Bus Interface for SRAM Communication"/> 16-bit External Bus Interface for SRAM Communication
XTAL Minimum Frequency in Hz Maximum Frequency in Hz External Crystal Oscillator <feature type="XTAL" n="4000000" m="25000000" name="External Crystal Oscillator"/> 4 MHz .. 25 MHz External Crystal Oscillator
IntRC Minimum Frequency in Hz Maximum Frequency in Hz Internal RC Oscillator <feature type="IntRC" n="16000000" name="Internal RC Oscillator with +/- 1% accuracy"/> 16 MHz Internal RC Oscillator with +/- 1% accuracy
PLL Number of PLLs N/A PLL <feature type="PLL" n="3" name="Internal PLL"/> 3 Internal PLL
RTC RTC Frequency N/A RTC <feature type="RTC" n="32000" name="Internal RTC"/> 32 kHz Internal RTC
ClockOther Number of Peripherals N/A Other Clock Peripheral <feature type="ClockOther" name="My special clock feature"/> My special clock feature
PowerMode Number of Power Modes N/A Power Modes <feature type="Mode" n="3" name="Run, Sleep, Deep-Sleep"/> 3 Power Modes: Run, Sleep, Deep-Sleep
VCC Minimum Supply Voltage Maximum Supply Voltage Operating Voltage <feature type="VCC" n="1.8" m="3.6"/> 1.8 V .. 3.6 V
Consumption Minimum Power Consumption Typical Power Consumption Power Consumption <feature type="Consumption" n="0.00004" m="0.002" name="Ultra-Low Power Consumption"/> 40 uW/MHz .. 2 mW/MHz Ultra-Low Power Consumption
PowerOther Number of Features N/A Other Power Feature <feature type="PowerOther" n="1" name="POR"/> 1 x POR
BGA Number of Balls N/A BGA <feature type="BGA" n="256" name="Plastic Ball Grid Array"/> 256-ball Plastic Ball Grid Array
CSP Number of Leads N/A CSP <feature type="CSP" n="28" name="Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package"/> 28-ball Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package
PLCC Number of Leads N/A PLCC <feature type="PLCC" n="20" name="PLCC Package"/> 20-lead PLCC Package
QFN Number of Leads N/A QFN <feature type="QFN" n="33" name="QFN Package"/> 33-pad QFN Package
QFP Number of Leads N/A QFP <feature type="QFP" n="128" name="Low-Profile QFP Package"/> 128-lead Low-Profile QFP Package
SON Number of Leads N/A SON <feature type="SON" n="16" name="SSON Package"/> 16-lead SSON Package
SOP Number of Leads N/A SOP <feature type="SOP" n="16" name="SSOP Package"/> 16-lead SSOP Package
DIP Number of Leads N/A DIP <feature type="DIP" n="16" name="Dual In-Line Package"/> 16-lead Dual In-Line Package
PackageOther Number of Pins N/A Other Package Type <feature type="PackageOther" n="44" name="My other Package"/> 44-contacts My other Package
IOs Number of I/Os N/A Inputs/Outputs <feature type="IOs" n="112" name="General Purpose I/Os, 5V tolerant"/> 112 General Purpose I/Os, 5V tolerant
ExtInt Number of External Interrupts N/A External Interrupts <feature type="ExtInt" n="12"/> 12 External Interrupts
Temp Minimum Operating Temperature Maximum Operating Temperature Operating Temperature Range <feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="105" name="Extended Operating Temperature Range"/> -40 °C .. +105 °C Extended Operating Temperature Range
ADC Number of Channels Resolution in Bit ADC <feature type="ADC" n="5" m="12" name="High-Performance ADC"/> 5-channel x 12-bit High-Performance ADC
DAC Number of Channels Resolution in Bit DAC <feature type="DAC" n="2" m="10"/> 2 x 12-bit DAC
TempSens Number of Sensors N/A Temperature Sensor <feature type="TempSens" n="1"/> 1 x Temperature Sensor
AnalogOther Number of Features N/A Other Analog Peripheral <feature type="AnalogOther" n="1" name="My Analog"/> 1 x My Analog
Timer Number of Channels Resolution in Bit Timer/Counter Module <feature type="Timer" n="2" m="32" name="Timer Module with Quadrature Encoding"/> 2 x 32-bit Timer Module with Quadrature Encoding
PWM Number of Channels Resolution in Bit PWM <feature type="PWM" n="2" m="16" name="Pulse Width Modulation"/> 2 x 16-bit Pulse Width Modulation
WDT Number of Watchdogs N/A Watchdog <feature type="WDT" n="1"/> 1 x Watchdog Timer
TimerOther Number of Features N/A Other Timer Peripheral <feature type="TimerOther" n="1" name="Quadrature En-/Decoder"/> 1 x Quadrature En-/Decoder
MPSerial Number of Serial Peripherals N/A Multi-Purpose Serial Peripheral <feature type="MPSerial" n="4" name="Multi-Purpose Serial Interface Module: I2C, I2S, SPI, UART"/> 4 x Multi-Purpose Serial Interface Module: I2C, I2S, SPI, UART
CAN Number of CAN Interfaces N/A CAN <feature type="CAN" n="2" name="CAN 2.0b Controller"/> 2 x CAN 2.0b Controller
ETH Number of Ethernet Interfaces Data Rate in Bit/s Ethernet <feature type="ETH" n="1" m="10000000" name="Integrated Ethernet MAC with PHY"/> 1 x 10 Mbit/s Integrated Ethernet MAC with PHY
I2C Number of I2C Interfaces N/A I2C <feature type="I2C" n="2"name="Low-Power I2C"/> 2 x Low-Power I2C
I2S Number of I2S Interfaces N/A I2S <feature type="I2S" n="3"/> 3 x I2S
LIN Number of LIN Interfaces N/A LIN <feature type="LIN" n="4"/> 4 x LIN
SDIO Number of SDIO Interfaces Bitwidth of SDIO Interface SDIO <feature type="SDIO" n="1" m="4" name="SDIO Interface"/> 1 x 4-bit SDIO Interface
SPI Number of SPI Interfaces Data Rate in Bit/s SPI <feature type="SPI" n="2" m="20000000" name="SPI Interface"/> 2 x 20 Mbit/s SPI Interface
UART Number of UART Interfaces Data Rate in Bit/s UART <feature type="UART" n="4" m="3000000" name="High-Speed UART Interface"/> 4 x 3 Mbit/s High-Speed UART Interface
USART Number of USART Interfaces Data Rate in Bit/s USART <feature type="USART" n="2" m="1000000" name="High-Speed USART Interface"/> 2 x 1 Mbit/s High-Speed USART Interface
USBD Number of USB Dvice Interfaces N/A USB Device <feature type="USBD" n="2" name="Full-Speed USB Device"/> 2 x Full-Speed USB Device
USBH Number of USB Host Interfaces N/A USB Host <feature type="USBH" n="2" name="High-Speed USB Host"/> 2 x High-Speed USB Host
USBOTG Number of USB OTG Interfaces N/A USB OTG <feature type="USBOTG" n="1" name="High-Speed USB OTG with PHY"/> 1 x High-Speed USB OTG with PHY
ComOther Number of other Communication Peripherals N/A Other Communication Peripheral <feature type="ComOther" n="1" name="ZigBee"/> 1 x ZigBee
Camera Number of Camera Interface Resolution in Bit Camera Interface <feature type="Camera" n="1" m="8" name="Digital Camera Interface"/> 1 x 8-bit Digital Camera Interface
GLCD Number of Graphic LCD Controller Maximum Resolution as a decimal number (see example) Graphic LCD Controller <feature type="GLCD" n="1" m="320.240" name="TFT LCD Controller"/> 1 x 320 x 480 pixel TFT LCD Controller
LCD Number of Segment LCD Controller Com.Seg as a decimal number (see example) Segment LCD Controller <feature type="LCD" n="1" m="16.40" name="Segment LCD Controller"/> 1 x 16 x 40 Segment LCD Controller
Touch Number of Touch Channels N/A Capacitive Touch Inputs <feature type="Touch" n="10" name="Capacitive Touch Inputs"/> 10 x Capacitive Touch Inputs
Other Number of Features N/A Other Feature <feature type="Other" n="2" name="My other Interface"/> 2 x My other Interface
GPU IP Name Number of Shaders GPU <feature type="GPU" n="Mali G71" m="1024"/> Mali G71 GPU with 1024 Shaders
AI N/A N/A AI <feature type="AI"/> AI accelerator
FPGA Number of Logic Elements N/A FPGA Array <feature type="FPGA" n="100000"/> FPGA with 100000 Logic Elements
Application Automotive, Industrial, Medical, MilAero Standard Name N/A <feature type="Application" n="Automotive" m="ISO 26262"/> Automotive ISO 26262 Applications
IrDA Standard Version Data Rate in Bit/s Infrared <feature type="IrDA" n="" m="1000000"/> IrDA 1 Mbit/s
HDMI Standard Version N/A HDMI <feature type="HDMI" n="1.3"/> HDMI 1.3
MIPI Standard Version Data Rate in Bit/s MIPI <feature type="MIPI" n="CSI" m="5000000000"/> MIPI CSI 5 Gbit/s
PCIe Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s PCIe <feature type="PCIe" n="3.0" m="3000000000"/> PCIe 3.0 3 GT/s
Bluetooth Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s Bluetooth <feature type="Bluetooth" n="4.2" name="Bluetooth Low Energy"/> Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2
ZigBee Application Profile Data Rate in Bit/s ZigBee <feature type="Zigbee" n="Home Automation 2.1"/> ZigBee Home Automation 1.2
802.15.4 Standard Version N/A 802.15.4 <feature type="802.15.4" n="802.15.4d"/> 802.15.4d
WiFi Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s WiFi <feature type="WiFi" n="802.11ac"/> 802.11ac WiFi
LoRa Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s LoRa <feature type="LoRa"/> LoRa
LTE Cat-M Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s LTE Cat-M <feature type="LTE-M" n="M1" m="1000000"/> LTE-M M1 1 Mbit/s
NB-IoT Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s NB IoT <feature type="NB-IoT" n="NB1" m="250000"/> NB-IoT NB1 250 kbit/s
NFC Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s NFC <feature type="NFC" n="ISO 18092"/> NFC ISO 18092
NPU Accelerator Type Optional Value Neural Processing Unit <feature type="NPU" n="Ethos-U55" m="128MACs"/> Ethos-U55 128MACs
WirelessOther Standard Version Maximum Data Rate in Bit/s Other Wireless Connectivity <feature type="WirelessOther" n="MyStandard" m="1000000"/> MyStandard 1 Mbit/s Wireless Connectivity



This element specifies memory regions that devices can have. Memory types are predefined and can be selected. This element can be defined on various levels. Inner memory elements supersede outer elements.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<memory name="SRAM" access="rwx" start="0x20000000" size="0x20000" default="1"/>
<subFamily DsubFamily="STM32F407">
<debug __dp="0" __ap="0" svd="SVD/STM32F40x.svd"/>
<memory name="SRAM1" access="rwx" start="0x20020000" size="0x20000" default="1"/>
<memory name="SRAM2" access="rwx" start="0x10000000" size="0x10000" default="1"/>
<device Dname="STM32F407IE">
<memory name="Flash" access="rx" start="0x08000000" size="0x80000" startup="1" default="1"/>

Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
id (deprecated since version 1.4.0) Identifier of the memory region consisting of a type indicator and an index (for example, IRAM1). Predefined values can be selected as defined in MemoryIDTypeEnum. MemoryIDTypeEnum optional
name (new since version 1.4.0)

Unique name of the memory to be used in conjunction with access.

If a memory with the same name is already defined in a parent scope, the parent one is extended/overwritten.

Backward compatibility: If no 'name' attribute is given but 'id' attribute is still present, the given 'id' attribute is used as the 'name'.

xs:string optional
access (new since version 1.4.0) Access permission of the memory. See MemoryAccessTypeString for details. MemoryAccessTypeString optional
start Base address of the memory using a hexadecimal value. NonNegativeInteger required
size Size of the memory in bytes using a hexadecimal value. NonNegativeInteger required

Indicates a general purpose memory region, that does not require any special considerations (access speed, remapping, protection, etc.).

If true, then an IRAM memory region will be used by the linker for locating any data and an IROM memory region will for locating any code. Every device needs at least one default IRAM region.

If an algorithm element is specified (without RAMstart and RAMsize attributes), the first listed IRAM region with default="1" will also be used for executing the flash programming algorithm.

Default value is false.

xs:boolean optional
startup If true, the startup code of the application will be placed into this memory region. Default value is false. xs:boolean optional
init (deprecated since version 1.6.3)

If true, the memory region shall not be zero initialized.

Default value is false.

xs:boolean optional
uninit (new since version 1.6.3)

If true, the memory region shall be kept uninitialized (i.e. keep the memory state as is).

Default value is false.

xs:boolean optional
alias (new since Version 1.4.0) Reference to another memory (by it's 'name' attribute) which shares the same physical memory. Some physical memory is made accessible via different addresses, for example, cached vs. non-cached accesses. This avoids the impression that the device has twice as much memory available. xs:string optional

Table: Memory ID Types

The table lists identifiers for memory types.

id= Description
RAMx External RAM. x can have a value between 1..8
ROMx External ROM. x can have a value between 1..8
IRAMx Internal RAM. x can have a value between 1..8
IROMx Internal ROM. x can have a value between 1..8


Table: Memory Access Attribute String

The table lists the letters and their meaning for use in the access attribute string. The values can be used in:

access= Description
r Readable
w Writable
x eXecutable
p Peripheral area. Details described in SVD.
s Secure attribute
n Non-secure attribute
c non-secure Callable attribute



Specifies attributes of the device processor. The element can occur on various levels. The attributes add-up over the different levels (family -> subFamily -> device). Elements of multi-processor devices can be associated with a specific processor using the attribute <Pname>. If the information is relevant to all processors, no processor must be specified in <Pname>.

Example 1

<family Dfamily="K20 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<processor Dcore="Cortex-M4" DcoreVersion="r0p1"/>
<!-- ****************************** MK20DN128xxx5 ****************************** -->
<device Dname="MK20DN128xxx5">
<processor Dfpu="0" Dmpu="0" Dendian="Little-endian" Dclock="50000000"/>

Example 2

<device name="MCIMX7D">
<processor Dcore="Cortex-A7" DcoreVersion="r0p5" Pname="Cortex-A7" Punits="2" />
<processor Dcore="Cortex-M4" DcoreVersion="r0p1" Pname="Cortex-M4"/>
<debug Pname="Cortex-A7" Punit="0" svd="SVD/iMX7D_A7.svd" __dp="0" __ap="1" address="0x80070000"/>
<debug Pname="Cortex-A7" Punit="1" svd="SVD/iMX7D_A7.svd" __dp="0" __ap="1" address="0x80072000"/>
<debug Pname="Cortex-M4" svd="SVD/iMX7D_M4.svd" __dp="0" __ap="4"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is mandatory for devices that embed multiple processors. Each processor needs a unique identifier and must be used consistently in the Pname attribute of the elements within the scope of the current device family section. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString required for all multi-core devices
Punits Specifies the number of processor units in a symmetric multi-processor core (MPCore). Defaults to single-core CPU (1) when left empty. InstancesType required for all multi-core devices
Dcore Specifies the processor core. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Cores. DcoreEnum required
Dfpu Specifies whether a hardware Floating Point Unit is present in the processor. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device FPU. DfpuEnum required
Dmpu Specifies whether an Arm-based Memory Protection Unit is present in the processor. Do not use this in case of custom MPUs. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device MPU. DmpuEnum required
Dtz Specifies whether an Armv8-M based device implements TrustZone. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device TZ. DtzEnum required for ARMv8-M based devices
Ddsp Specifies whether a device supports the DSP instructions set. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device DSP. DdspEnum required
Dmve Specifies whether a device supports the M-Profile Vector instruction set extension. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device MVE. DmveEnum required for ARMv8.1-M based devices
Dcdecp Specifies whether a device implements Custom Datapath Extension Coprocessors and which coprocessor interfaces can be used. See (CDE). Possible values are explained in Custom Datapath Extensions. DcdecpEnum required for ARMv8.1-M based devices with CDE support
Dpacbti Specifies whether a device implements Pointer Authentication/Branch Target Identification (PAC/BTI) instructions. Possible values are explained in Device PAC/BTI. DpacbtiEnum required for ARMv8.1-M based devices with PAC/BTI support
Dendian Specifies the endianess of the processor. Use predefined values as listed in the table Endinaness. DendianEnum required
Dclock Specifies the max clock frequency of the processor subsystem xs:unsignedInt required
DcoreVersion Hardware revision of the processor core xs:string required
While the different attributes can be spreaded over the family levels, they add-up and at the leaf (device level), a complete set of attributes should be present (at least Dcore, Dfpu, Dmpu, Ddsp, Dendian, Dclock, and DcoreVersion). Adding-up means that you can overwrite previous attributes on the next level. For example, if you have a subFamily that has a general Dclock of 50000000 (50 Mhz), you can still specify for one of the subFamily members a different Dclock (such as 66000000).


Table: Device Vendors

The table lists predefined values representing device vendors. The list is extended from time to time (on request by new vendors). Contact to ask for an extension. These values can be used in the elements:

Dvendor Description Web Link
NO_VENDOR:0 No Vendor
ABOV Semiconductor:126 ABOV Semiconductor
Active-Semi:140 Active-Semi
Alif Semiconductor:165 Alif Semiconductor
Ambiq Micro:120 Ambiq Micro
Amiccom:147 Amiccom
Analog Devices:1 Analog Devices
APEXMIC:153 Apex Microeletronics Co., Ltd.
ARM:82 ARM Ltd.
ArmChina:160 Arm China
ArteryTek:143 ArteryTek
Atmel:3 Atmel Corporation (now Microchip)
Autochips:150 Autochips Inc.
BrainChip:168 BrainChip Inc
Cmsemicon:161 Cmsemicon
Cypress:19 Cypress Semiconductor
Dialog Semiconductor:113 Dialog Semiconductor
Elmos Semiconductor AG:138 Elmos Semiconductor AG
e-peas:167 e-peas semicondcutors
EtaCompute:157 Eta Compute Inc.
FMSH:159 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Co., Ltd
Geehy:163 Geehy
Generic:5 Generic: Not a vendor specific device
Generalplus:151 Generalplus Technology Inc.
GigaDevice:123 GigaDevice
Goodix:155 Goodix
HDSC:145 HUADA Semiconductor
Hilscher:88 Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
Himax:178 Himax Technologies, Inc.
Holtek:106 Holtek Microelectronics
Infineon:7 Infineon Technologies
Jonzic:174 Shanghai Jonzic Electronic Co., Ltd
LAPIS Technology:10 LAPIS Technology
Linear Technolgy:136 Linear Technolgy
Linkedsemi:175 LinkedSemi Microelectronics (Xiamen) Co., Ltd
Maxim:23 Maxim Integrated
MediaTek:129 MediaTek
MegaChips:128 MegaChips
Megawin:70 Megawin
Microchip:3 Microchip (previously Atmel)
Micronas:30 TDK-Micronas GmbH
MicroSemi:112 Microsemi
Milandr:99 Milandr
MindMotion:132 MindMotion
MinebeaMitsumi:181 MinebeaMitsumi
Nationstech:184 Nations Technologies Inc.
Nordic Semiconductor:54 Nordic Semiconductor
NSING:185 NSING Technologies Pte. Ltd.
Nuvoton:18 Nuvoton Technolgy Corp.
ONSemiconductor:141 ON Semiconductor
Panasonic:131 Panasonic
Puya:176 Puya
Realtek Semiconductor:124 Realtek Semiconductor
Redpine Signals:125 Repine Signals
RelChip:146 RelChip
Renesas:117 Renesas
RPi:170 Raspberry Pi Foundation
Samsung:47 Samsung Semiconductor
SILAN:164 Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
Silergy Corp:139 Silergy Corporation
Silicon Labs:21 Silicon Labs
Sinemicro:179 Anhui Sine Microelectronics Co., Ltd
Sinowealth:149 Sino Wealth Electronic Ltd.
SmartChip:156 SmartChip
Socionext:171 Socionext
Spansion:100 Spansion (previously Fujitsu)
STMicroelectronics:13 STMicroelectronics
Synwit:144 Synwit Technology Co.,LTD.
Texas Instruments:16 Texas Instruments
ThinkTech:172 ThinkTech
Toshiba:92 Toshiba Semiconductor
Triad Semiconductor:104 Triad Semiconductor
Unisoc:152 Unisoc Communications, Inc.
Vorago:137 Vorago Technologies
Watech:183 Suzhou Watech Electronics Co., Ltd.
Weltrend:148 Weltrend
WIZnet:122 WIZnet
Xiamen PengPai Microelectronics Co. Ltd:166 Pai IC
XMC:158 Wuhan Xinxin Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
YTMicro:180 YTMicro
Zilog:89 Zilog


Table: Algorithm Styles

The table lists the predefined Flash algorithm style. These values can be used in:

style= Description
Keil Flash Programming as defined by Arm/Keil
IAR Flash Programming Algorithm as defined by IAR

To be agreed under CMSIS


Table: Device Cores

The table lists available device cores. The list is extended from time to time to reflect new processor cores. These values can be used in the elements:

Dcore= Description
Cortex-M0 Arm Cortex-M0 processor based device
Cortex-M0+ Arm Cortex-M0+ processor based device
Cortex-M1 Arm Cortex-M1 processor based device
Cortex-M3 Arm Cortex-M3 processor based device
Cortex-M4 Arm Cortex-M4 processor based device
Cortex-M7 Arm Cortex-M7 processor based device
Cortex-M23 Arm Cortex-M23 processor based device
Cortex-M33 Arm Cortex-M33 processor based device
Cortex-M35P Arm Cortex-M35P processor based device
Cortex-M52 Arm Cortex-M52 processor based device
Cortex-M55 Arm Cortex-M55 processor based device
Cortex-M85 Arm Cortex-M85 processor based device
Star-MC1 ArmChina STAR-MC1 processor based device
SC000 SecurCore SC000 based on technology of Cortex-M0.
SC300 SecurCore SC300 based on technology of Cortex-M3.
ARMV8MBL Processor ArmV8MBL compliant with the Armv8-M Baseline Architecture.
ARMV8MML Processor ArmV8MML compliant with the Armv8-M Mainline Architecture.
ARMV81MML Processor ArmV81MML compliant with the Armv8.1-M Mainline Architecture.
Cortex-R4 Arm Cortex-R4 processor based device
Cortex-R5 Arm Cortex-R5 processor based device
Cortex-R7 Arm Cortex-R7 processor based device
Cortex-R8 Arm Cortex-R8 processor based device
Cortex-A5 Arm Cortex-A5 processor based device
Cortex-A7 Arm Cortex-A7 processor based device
Cortex-A8 Arm Cortex-A8 processor based device
Cortex-A9 Arm Cortex-A9 processor based device
Cortex-A15 Arm Cortex-A15 processor based device
Cortex-A17 Arm Cortex-A17 processor based device
Cortex-A32 Arm Cortex-A32 processor based device
Cortex-A35 Arm Cortex-A35 processor based device
Cortex-A53 Arm Cortex-A53 processor based device
Cortex-A57 Arm Cortex-A57 processor based device
Cortex-A72 Arm Cortex-A72 processor based device
Cortex-A73 Arm Cortex-A73 processor based device
* Device based on any processor


Table: Device FPU

The table lists values that indicate whether a CPU has an Floating Point Unit (FPU). The tokens can be used in the elements:

Dfpu= Description
NO_FPU Hardware Floating Point Unit not present
FPU Hardware Floating Point Unit present
SP_FPU Single Precision Hardware Floating Point Unit present
DP_FPU Double Precision Hardware Floating Point Unit present


Table: Device MPU

The table shows predefined values that identify whether a CPU has an Arm-based Memory Protection Unit (MPU). The values can be used in the elements:

Dmpu= Description
NO_MPU No Memory Protection Unit is present
MPU Memory Protection Unit is present
Do not use Dmpu in case of a custom (non-Arm) MPU.


Table: Device Trust Zone

The table shows predefined values that identify whether a CPU implements TrustZone(TZ). The values can be used in the elements:

Dtz= Description
NO_TZ No TrustZone is present
TZ TrustZone is present


Table: Software Model Selection

The table shows predefined values that identify whether an application will run in secure mode. The values can be used in the elements:

Dsecure= Description
Non-secure Application is built to run in non-secure mode.
Secure Application is built to run in secure mode.
TZ-disabled Application is built with TrustZone security disabled.
Secure-only Application is built to run in secure mode without any provisions to switch to non-secure code nor for non-secure callable entry points.


Table: Device implements DSP Instructions

The table shows predefined values that identify whether a CPU implements DSP instructions (DSP). The values can be used in the elements:

Ddsp= Description
NO_DSP No DSP instructions supported
DSP DSP instructions supported


Table: Device implements M-Profile Vector Extension Instructions

The table shows predefined values that identify whether a CPU implements MVE instructions (MVE). The values can be used in the elements:

Dmve= Description
NO_MVE No MVE instructions supported
MVE Integer MVE instructions supported
FP_MVE Floating point and Integer MVE instructions supported


Table: Custom Datapath Extensions

The table lists values representing Custom Datapath Extensions in a device. The values can be used in the elements:

Dcdecp= Description
BitN = 0 CDE co-processor interface disabled at BitN.
BitN = 1 CDE co-processor interface enabled at BitN.


  • Dcdecp=”0xff” enables CDE on all eight co-processor interfaces.
  • Dcdecp="0x12" enables CDE on co-processor interfaces 1 and 4.


Table: Pointer Authentication/Branch Target Identification

The table lists values representing PAC/BTI in a device. The values can be used in the elements:

DpacbtiEnum= Description
NO_PACBTI Non-NOP-space PAC/BTI instruction are not support.
PACBTI Non-NOP-space PAC/BTI instructions are supported.


Table: Endianness

The table lists values representing the endianness of a device. The values can be used in the elements:

Dendian= Description
Little-endian The least significant byte of a multi-byte access is located at the specified address.
Big-endian The most significant byte of a multi-byte access is located at the specified address.
Configurable The byte ordering of multi-byte accesses is configurable.



Default debugger configuration for a target connection.


<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<debugconfig default="jtag" clock="10000000" swj="1" sdf="Debug/SDF/lpc4300.sdf"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
default Specifies the default debug protocol to use for target connections. Predefined tokens must be used as defined in Table: Debug Protocol Type. Default value is swd. DebugProtocolEnum optional
clock Specifies the default debug clock setting in Hz for a target connection. Default value is 10000000. xs:unsignedInt optional
swj The device is accessed via a CoreSight SWJ-DP capable of switching between Serial Wire Debug (SWD) and JTAG protocols. Default value is true. xs:bool optional
dormant The device is accessed via a CoreSight DP that requires the dormant state to switch debug protocols. Default value is false. xs:bool optional
sdf This attribute specifies the filename and path of the system description file (SDF). The system description file contains information about CoreSight components, there versions and how they are interconnected and hooked to debug and access ports. If not specified an autodetection needs to be initiated by the debugger at connection time. xs:string optional


Table: Debug Protocol Type

The table lists the values for debug protocol types. The values can be used in

type= Description
jtag JTAG debug protocol.
swd Arm Serial Wire Debug (SWD) protocol.
cjtag CJTAG concurrent jtag debug protocol.



Specify global debug access variables. Use these in addition to the pre-defined variables in order to query settings from a debug access sequences.

Define debug access variables with statements of the following form.

__var uservar = value; // Comment: Define "uservar" and initialize to "value"
  • Initialization values must be constant unsigned numbers. No expressions are allowed.
  • User-defined debug access variables are read-only in a debug access sequence.
  • Pre-defined debug access variables cannot be set in this element.


<family Dfamily="EFM32WG Series" Dvendor="Energy Micro:97">
<debugvars configfile="Debug/EFM32WGxxx.dbgconf" version="1.0">
__var __TPIU_pinlocation = 0; // Select one of four possible TPIU pin locations
__var __SWO_pinlocation = 0; // Select one of four possible SWO pin locations
<sequence name="TraceStart">
<block if="__TPIU_pinlocation == 2">
<!-- Configure device to use pins as defined for TPIU pin location 2 -->
<debug __dp="0" __ap="0"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
configfile Configuration file with path relative to the package base folder (extension *.DBGCONF). This file contains assignments of a default value to global debug access variables. This file gets copied to the project folder and is editable by the end-user. This file is read by the debugger after processing the global debug access variables. By editing the values of the debug access variables, the end-user effectively controls the behavior of sequences. The file can only assign new values but must not specify any new debug access variables. Configuration Wizard Annotations shall be used within the file to provide a graphical user interface for editing configuration options. xs:string optional
version Version refers to the file version of the configfile attribute. If a configfile is specified the version attribute becomes mandatory. The version shall be incremented if any changes have been made to the global debug access variable names or default values. Based on the version information the tool environment will load a configfile with the version required by the debug description. The end-user may be required to update the settings after updating to a new version. VersionType optional
Pname Reference to a processor identifier as specified for a processor element. If Pname is set for this debugvars element, the debug access variables and configfile of this element are only valid for a debug connection to the referenced processor. Otherwise, they are valid for all processors. This attribute must be set if defining multiple debugvars sections for a device. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional


Example: Configuration File

// File: EFM32WGxxx.dbgconf
// Version: 1.0
// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>
// <h>Trace Pin Setup
// <o> TPIU Pin Location
// <0=> Pin Location 0
// <1=> Pin Location 1
// <2=> Pin Location 2
// <3=> Pin Location 3
// <i> Select TPIU pin location for your board configuration:
// <i> Default: Pin Location 0
__TPIU_pinlocation = 0;
// <o> SWO Pin Location
// <0=> Pin Location 0
// <1=> Pin Location 1
// <2=> Pin Location 2
// <3=> Pin Location 3
// <i> Select SWO pin location for your board configuration:
// <i> - Pin Location 0 (SWO: PF2)
// <i> - Pin Location 1 (SWO: PC15)
// <i> - Pin Location 2 (SWO: PD1)
// <i> - Pin Location 3 (SWO: PD2)
// <i> Default: Pin Location 0
__SWO_pinlocation = 0;
// </h>
// <<< end of configuration section >>>



Describes a CoreSight debug port of the device and its capabilities. The element can occur on various levels. Use unique ID values for the attribute __dp to distinguish multiple debugport elements in later references.

debugport elements are required for targets with multiple debug ports. These elements can be omitted for devices with a single debug port. If no debugport element exists, then the only allowed __dp ID in later references is 0.


<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<debugconfig default="jtag" clock="10000000" swj="1"/>
<debugport __dp="0">
<jtag tapindex="0"/>
<debugport __dp="1">
<jtag tapindex="1"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
__dp Unique ID of this debugport. It must be used consistently in references within the scope of the parent section. xs:unsignedInt required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
jtag Describe JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) properties of this debug port. JtagType 0..1
swd Describe CoreSight Serial Wire Debug Port (SW-DP) properties of this debug port. SwdType 0..1
cjtag Describe CJTAG Test Access Port (TAP) properties of this debug port. CjtagType 0..1



Describes a CoreSight access port (APv1) of the device and its selection parameters. The element can occur on various levels. Use unique ID values for the attribute __apid to distinguish multiple accessportV1 and accessportV2 elements in later references.

accessportV1 elements are required for targets that mix ADIv5 and ADIv6 debug ports and hence also have APv2 access ports. Pairs of __dp and __ap values must not be used to reference an access port if a debug description describes access port elements.


<family Dvendor="ARM:82" Dfamily="...">
<debugport __dp="0"> <!-- ADIv5 DAP -->
<jtag tapindex="0"/>
<debugport __dp="1"> <!-- ADIv6 DAP -->
<jtag tapindex="1"/>
<!-- ADIv5 DAP -->
<accessportV1 __apid="0" _dp="0" index="0"/>
<accessportV1 __apid="1" _dp="0" index="1"/>
<!-- ADIv6 DAP -->
<accessportV2 __apid="2" _dp="1" address="0x00002000"/>
<accessportV2 __apid="3" _dp="1" address="0x00004000"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
__apid Unique ID of this element with respect to other access port elements. It must be used consistently in references within the scope of the parent section. xs:unsignedInt required
__dp Unique ID of the debugport used to access this access port. Optional if exactly one debugport exists. xs:unsignedInt optional
index The index to select this access port for a target access. xs:unsignedInt required



Describes a CoreSight access port (APv2) of the device as introduced with the Arm Debug Interfaces (ADI) v6 and its selection parameters. The element can occur on various levels. Use unique ID values for the attribute __apid to distinguish multiple accessportV1 and accessportV2 elements in later references.

An accessportV2 must be later selected via __apid. It is not possible to use a pair of __dp and __ap values.


<family Dvendor="ARM:82" Dfamily="...">
<debugport __dp="0"> <!-- ADIv5 DAP -->
<jtag tapindex="0"/>
<debugport __dp="1"> <!-- ADIv6 DAP -->
<jtag tapindex="1"/>
<!-- ADIv5 DAP -->
<accessportV1 __apid="0" _dp="0" index="0"/>
<accessportV1 __apid="1" _dp="0" index="1"/>
<!-- ADIv6 DAP -->
<accessportV2 __apid="2" _dp="1" address="0x00002000"/>
<accessportV2 __apid="3" _dp="1" address="0x00004000"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
__apid Unique ID of this element with respect to other access port elements. It must be used consistently in references within the scope of the parent section. xs:unsignedInt required
__dp Unique ID of the debugport used to access this access port. Optional if exactly one debugport exists. xs:unsignedInt optional
address The address to select this access port in its parent's address space for a target access. NonNegativeInteger required
parent Reference to the __apid of the parent access port if the system contains nested APv2 access ports.
parent must not be specified if the access port is directly connected to the debugport.
xs:unsignedInt optional



Indicates availability of a JTAG interface for the debugport parent element. Its attributes allow the manual override of a debugger's automatic JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) detection.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<debugconfig default="swd" clock="10000000" swj="1"/>
<debugport __dp="0">
<jtag tapindex="0" idcode="0x4BA00477" irlen="4"/>
<swd idcode="0x2BA01477"/>


Parents Element Chain
debugport /package/devices/family/.../debugport
Attributes Description Type Use
tapindex Specifies the TAP index relative to the JTAG scan chain of this device. A debugger needs to determine the absolute index if the device is part of an extended scan chain. Default value is 0. NonNegativeInteger optional
idcode Specifies the IDCODE of the JTAG TAP. This value overrides the IDCODE read from the target. NonNegativeInteger


irlen Specifies the instruction register length of the JTAG TAP. This value overrides the instruction register length detected by a debugger. xs:unsignedInt optional



Indicates availability of an Arm Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface for the debugport parent element. Its attributes allow the manual override of SWD port characteristics as read from the target and provide information for the port selection in a system with multi-drop SWD support.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<debugconfig default="swd" clock="10000000" swj="1"/>
<debugport __dp="0">
<jtag tapindex="0" idcode="0x4BA00477" irlen="4"/>
<swd idcode="0x2BA01477"/>


Parents Element Chain
debugport /package/devices/family/.../debugport
Attributes Description Type Use
idcode Specifies the IDCODE of the SWD port. It overrides the value read from the port's IDCODE register. NonNegativeInteger




Indicates availability of a CJTAG interface for the debugport parent element. Its attributes allow the manual override of a debugger's automatic CJTAG Test Access Port (TAP) detection.


<family Dfamily="STM32F4" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<debugconfig default="swd" clock="10000000" swj="1"/>
<debugport __dp="0">
<cjtag tapindex="0" idcode="0x4BA00477" irlen="4"/>
<swd idcode="0x2BA01477"/>


Parents Element Chain
debugport /package/devices/family/.../debugport
Attributes Description Type Use
tapindex Specifies the TAP index relative to the JTAG scan chain of this device. A debugger needs to determine the absolute index if the device is part of an extended scan chain. Default value is 0. NonNegativeInteger optional
idcode Specifies the IDCODE of the JTAG TAP. This value overrides the IDCODE read from the target. NonNegativeInteger optional
irlen Specifies the instruction register length of the JTAG TAP. This value overrides the instruction register length detected by a debugger. xs:unsignedInt optional



Container for debug access sequences for this device.


<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<sequence name="DebugCoreStart" Pname="Cortex-M0">
<sequence name="ResetSystem" Pname="Cortex-M4">
<sequence name="TraceStart" Pname="Cortex-M4">


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
sequence Describe a debug access sequence. SequenceType 1..*



Describes a Debug Access Sequence which contains control and block elements. block elements contains statements including calls to Debug Access Functions. A Debug Access Sequence overrides or extends the default functionality of a development tool. Refer to Usage of debug access sequences for details.

  • control elements can contain other control and block elements. The maximum nesting of control elements is 10.


<family Dfamily="Generic Family" Dvendor="Generic:5">
<sequence name="UserSequence">
<block info="Define variables and do debug accesses">
__var tpWidth = (__traceout &amp; 0x003F0000) >> 16;
<control if="__traceout &amp; 0x2" info="Parallel Trace Port enabled">
// Do something generic for parallel trace port trace
<control if="tpWidth == 1" info="Configure device for 1-bit TPIU trace.">
// Do debug accesses
<control if="tpWidth == 2" info="Configure device for 2-bit TPIU trace.">
// Do debug accesses
<control if="tpWidth == 4" info="Configure device for 4-bit TPIU trace.">
// Do debug accesses


Parents Element Chain
sequences /package/devices/family/.../sequences
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of the Debug Access Sequence:
xs:string required
Pname Reference to a processor identifier as specified for a processor element. If Pname is set for this sequence element, a debugger executes the debug access sequence only for a debug connection to the referenced processor. Otherwise, it is executed for all processors. This attribute must be set if defining multiple implementations of the same debug access sequence. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
disable Disables execution of the Predefined Debug Access Sequence. xs:boolean optional
info Descriptive text to display for example for error diagnostics. xs:string optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
control Describe a debug access sequence flow control element. SequenceControlType 0..*
block Describe a block of debug accesses. SequenceBlockType 0..*


Describes flow control like if and while blocks for debug access sequences.


<family Dfamily="Generic Family" Dvendor="Generic:5">
<sequence name="UserSequence">
<block info="Define variables and do debug accesses">
__var doIfBlock = 1;
__var whileCondition = 1;
<control if="doIfBlock">
// Do debug accesses
<control while="whileCondition" timeout="5000">
// Execute while "whileCondition" different from '0' with a timeout of 5ms
whileCondition = 0;


Parents Element Chain
sequence /package/devices/family/.../sequences/sequence
control /package/devices/family/.../sequences/sequence/control
Attribute Description Type Use
if Expression describing the condition under which to execute this sequence block. The block is skipped if the condition resolved to false. Defaults to true if not set. Refer to Expression Rules for the syntax. ExpressionType optional
while Expression describing a while-condition. The execution of the block contents is repeated while the condition resolves to true, or until an optional timeout is reached. Refer to Expression Rules for the syntax. ExpressionType optional
timeout Timeout in microseconds for a block with a while condition. A debugger must extend the timeout to the closest possible time granularity. If the timeout is reached, the current iteration including a last evaluation of the while condition must finish. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
This attribute defaults to 0.
xs:unsignedInt optional
info Descriptive text to display for example for error diagnostics. xs:string optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
control Describe a debug access sequence flow control element. SequenceControlType 0..*
block Describe a block of debug accesses. SequenceBlockType 0..*



Describes a block of debug accesses. See Debug Access Syntax Rules for details on the allowed syntax of the block contents.


<family Dfamily="Generic Family" Dvendor="Generic:5">
<sequence name="UserSequence">
<block info="Define condition variales for later use in block elements.">
// Variable definition by __var keyword
__var doIfBlock = 1;
__var whileCondition = 1;


Parents Element Chain
sequence /package/devices/family/.../sequences/sequence
control /package/devices/family/.../sequences/sequence/control
Attribute Description Type Use
atomic Instruct the debugger to execute the block contents atomically; a debugger needs to download and buffer all debug accesses to the debug probe and finish the execution without further communication to the host PC. If a debugger cannot support an atomic block it must abort the execution of the debug access sequence.
xs:boolean optional
info Descriptive text to display for example for error diagnostics. xs:string optional

Atomic Blocks:

  • Within an atomic block a variable must no longer be used as an r-value after a result from a target access has been assigned to it.
  • Support for atomic blocks is highly debugger dependent. Keep them as short and simple as possible to address a wide range of debuggers.
  • Query and Sequence debug access functions must not be used in an atomic block.


Debug Access Syntax Rules

Debug accesses are described in block elements of a debug access sequence (sequence element). The following syntax is used for this purpose:

  • The contents of a block element is a series of statements.
  • Each statement must begin in a new line and is terminated by a ; character.
  • A typical statement consists of variable, followed by a = character and an expression, where the = character is an assignment of the expression result to the variable:
    variable = expression;
  • Alternatively, a statement can be a sole expression without storing its result to a variable.
  • Comments begin with two slashes (//) and end with a linebreak:
    // Whole line is a comment
    variable = expression; // Comment appended to statement
  • Variables must be defined using the keyword __var. The definition must include an initalization of the variable:
    __var variable = 0;
  • Variables can be defined only once within a scope. Scopes begin with entering a debug access sequence or a control element. They are extended to child control elements. Variables of a parent scope can be modified. Leaving a scope destroys all variables defined in it.
    block elements do not begin a new scope.
    <sequence name="MySequence">
    <block info="Block 1">
    __var condvar = 1;
    __var myvar1 = 5;
    __var myvar2 = 0;
    <control if="condvar">
    // __var myvar1 = 2; // Redefinition, not allowed!
    __var myvar3 = 2;
    myvar2 = myvar1 + myvar3; // Assign value (5+2) = 7
    <block info="Block 2">
    myvar1 = myvar2 + 1; // Variable myvar1 holds the value '8' after this statement
    // myvar2 = myvar3; // myvar3 does not exist in this scope, not allowed!
  • The debug access variables __dp, __ap, __apid, and __errorcontrol can be modified within a debug access sequence. An assigned value is held until leaving the sequence. Calling another sequence by the Sequence debug access function will push their values on a sequence execution stack. The values are restored when returning from such a call.
  • Please refer to Debug Access Functions for how to use __dp, __ap, and __apid to select access ports for target accesses.
  • The debug access variable __Result can be modified within a debug access sequence. Its value is held until the debug access sequence returns to the debugger. Hence its value is not pushed on a sequence execution stack when calling into another sequence by the Sequence debug access function.

Expression Rules

Expressions are used in various places to describe one of the following:

  • A value as assigned in a debug access statement.
  • A condition to use in the if attribute of a control element.
  • A condition to use in the while attribute of a control element.
  • A parameter to a debug access function as described below.

An expression may consist of the following:

  • Constant numbers in decimal and hexadecimal representation (prefix 0x).
  • Arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, /, and %.
  • Bit-arithmetic operators such as &, |, ~, ^, >>, and <<.
  • Comparison-operators such as ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=.
  • Logic operators such as !, &&, ||, and ==.
  • Conditional expression operations like:
    (x < y) ? a : b
  • Precedence of sub-expressions is indicated by brackets ((, )). C-like precedence applies if brackets are omitted.
  • References to debug access variables for evaluating debug settings.
  • Calls to debug access functions.
  • All values used in expressions resolve to 64-bit unsigned integer values.
  • All logic-operations and comparisons resolve to the value 1 if true, to 0 otherwise.
  • XML prohibits the use of the characters &, <, and >. Use the corresponding XML entity names instead: &amp;, &lt;, and &gt;.


Describes configuration settings, default values, and patches for data accesses for a debug connection. Multiple debug elements can be defined which are either specific to a processor identified by attribute Pname, or which apply to all connections.

Example 1

<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<debug Pname="Cortex-M4" __dp="0" __ap="0" svd="SVD/LPC43xx.svd">
<debug Pname="Cortex-M0" __dp="1" __ap="0" svd="SVD/LPC43xx.svd">

Example 2

<device name="MCIMX7D">
<processor Dcore="Cortex-A7" DcoreVersion="r0p5" Pname="Cortex-A7" Punits="2" />
<processor Dcore="Cortex-M4" DcoreVersion="r0p1" Pname="Cortex-M4"/>
<debug Pname="Cortex-A7" Punit="0" svd="SVD/iMX7D_A7.svd" __dp="0" __ap="1" address="0x80070000"/>
<debug Pname="Cortex-A7" Punit="1" svd="SVD/iMX7D_A7.svd" __dp="0" __ap="1" address="0x80072000"/>
<debug Pname="Cortex-M4" svd="SVD/iMX7D_M4.svd" __dp="0" __ap="4"/>


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
__dp Default debug port ID to use for target accesses in this debug connection. The allowed values are defined in debugport elements for this device. If no debugport element exists, the only allowed value is 0.
The debug access variable __dp is initialized to this value when entering a pre-defined debug access sequence because of a debug event.
This attribute defaults to 0 if not set.
Must not be used if accessportV1 or accessportV2 elements are specified. Use __apid instead.
xs:unsignedInt optional
__ap Default access port index to use for target accesses in this debug connection.
The debug access variable __ap is initialized to this value when entering a pre-defined debug access sequence because of a debug event.
This attribute defaults to 0 if not set.
Must not be used if accessportV1 or accessportV2 elements are specified. Use __apid instead.
xs:unsignedInt optional
__apid Default access port ID to use for target accesses in this debug connection.
The debug access variable __apid is initialized to this value when entering a pre-defined debug access sequence because of a debug event. Requires accessportV1 and/or accessportV2 elements to be specified.
xs:unsignedInt optional
address Base "address" of the CPU debug block referenced by "Pname" (and "Punit" in an MPCore system). Use in combination with attributes "__dp" and "__ap", or "__apid" respectively. Mandatory if multiple CPU debug blocks are accessible via a single AP. Optional if an AP hosts a single CPU debug block. Then a debugger can determine its base address by analyzing the ROM table behind the selected AP. NonNegativeInteger optional
svd The system viewer description (*.SVD) file to load for this debug connection. The file path is relative to the package base folder. xs:string optional
Pname Reference to a processor identifier as specified for a processor element. If Pname is set this debug element's settings and data patches only apply for target connections to the referenced processor. Otherwise, they apply for all processors. This attribute must be set if defining multiple debug elements within the same section. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
Punit Use "Punit" in addition to "Pname" to select a specific processor unit of a symmetric MPCore that the <debug> configuration applies to. "Punit" is a '0'-based index and must be less than "Punits" of <processor>. If "Punit" is not specified, the <debug> configuration applies to all processor units of the MPCore. xs:unsignedInt optional
defaultResetSequence Specifies the debug sequence that shall be used by default for the reset operation. It can be set to one of the predefined reset sequences such as ResetSystem, ResetHardware and ResetProcessor or also to any user-defined debug sequence. If not specified then ResetSystem sequence will be set as default. xs:string optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
datapatch Define a patch to apply for data reads in this debug connection. DataPatchType 0..*



Describes a patch a debugger shall apply when reading data from the device.


<family Dfamily="M0 Series" Dvendor="Generic:5">
<!-- Patched ROM Table for a Cortex-M0+ -->
<datapatch type=”AP”__dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xF8" value="0xE00FF003" info="AP BASE Register, ROM Table at 0xE00FF000"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FF000" value="0xFFF0F003" info="ROM Table pointer to SCS at 0xE000E000"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FF004" value="0xFFF02003" info="ROM Table pointer to DWT at 0xE0001000"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FF008" value="0xFFF03003" info="ROM Table pointer to BPU at 0xE0002000"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FF00C" value="0x00000000" info="ROM Table End Marker"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFCC" value="0x00000001" info="ROM Table MEMTYPE"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFD0" value="0x00000004" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID4"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFD4" value="0x00000000" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID5"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFD8" value="0x00000000" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID6"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFDC" value="0x00000000" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID7"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFE0" value="0x000000C0" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID0"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFE4" value="0x000000B4" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID1"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFE8" value="0x0000000B" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID2"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFEC" value="0x00000000" info="ROM Table Peripheral ID3"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFF0" value="0x0000000D" info="ROM Table Component ID0"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFF4" value="0x00000010" info="ROM Table Component ID1"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFF8" value="0x00000005" info="ROM Table Component ID2"/>
<datapatch __dp="0" __ap="0" address="0xE00FFFFC" value="0x000000B1" info="ROM Table Component ID3"/>


Parents Element Chain
debug /package/devices/family/.../debug
Attributes Description Type Use
type The type of data access to patch. Predefined tokens must be used as defined in Table: Data Patch Access Type. This attribute defaults to Mem if not set. DataPatchAccessTypeEnum optional
address The address for which to apply the patch.
For an AP data patch for an APv2 as referenced by __apid, the address is the APv2 register offset added to the APv2's base address defined in the corresponding accessportV2 element. It must within the 4-KByte address range of the APv2 block.
NonNegativeInteger required
__dp The debug port ID to apply the patch for. The allowed values are defined by the __dp attribute of debugport elements for this device. If no debugport element exists, the only allowed value is 0. If this attribute is not set, the debug port ID for the data patch is set to the default __dp of this debug section.
If accessportV1 or accessportV2 elements are specified then this attribute is only allowed for DP and ACCESS_AP accesses. Use __apid for all others.
xs:unsignedInt optional
__ap The CoreSight access port index to apply the patch for. If this attribute is not set, the access port index for the data patch is set to the default __ap of this debug section.
Must not be used if accessportV1 or accessportV2 elements are specified. Use __apid instead.
xs:unsignedInt optional
__apid The unique ID of a CoreSight access port to apply the patch for. Requires accessportV1 and/or accessportV2 elements to be specified. If this attribute is not set, the access port ID for the data patch is set to the default __apid of this debug section. xs:unsignedInt optional
value The value with which the debugger patches the data access. value is specified in little-endian format. NonNegativeInteger required
mask The bits of the data access to patch. The mask value is specified in little-endian format. NonNegativeInteger optional
info Descriptive text to display for example for error diagnostics. xs:string optional


Table: Data Patch Access Type

The table lists the allowed values for data patch access types.

type= Description
DP CoreSight Debug Port register access.
Note: This type refers to accesses via the DPACC instruction for CoreSight JTAG-DPs. Please refer to the corresponding documentation for differences in the register interface between JTAG and Serial Wire debug ports.
ACCESS_AP Top-level Access Port access for a CoreSight ADIv6 DAP.
AP CoreSight Access Port register access.
Mem Memory access.



Describes device capabilities and possible configuration settings for capturing trace. Multiple trace elements can be defined which are either specific to a processor identified by attribute Pname, or which apply to all connections.


<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<trace Pname="Cortex-M4">
<traceport width="0x0000000B"/> <!-- support for port widths 1, 2, and 4 -->
<tracebuffer start="0x2000C000" size="0x4000"/>
<trace Pname="Cortex-M0">
<!-- Empty trace section for Cortex-M0, no trace capabilities -->


Parents Element Chain
family /package/devices/family
subFamily /package/devices/family/subFamily
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Reference to a processor identifier as specified for a processor element. If Pname is set this trace section only applies for target connections to the referenced processor. Otherwise, it applies for all processors. This attribute must be set if defining multiple trace elements within the same section. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
serialwire Describe the serial wire trace output capabilities of the processor. SerialWireType 0..*
traceport Describe the parallel trace port output capabilities of the processor. TracePortType 0..*
tracebuffer Describe the on-device trace buffer capabilities of the processor. TraceBufferType 0..*



Indicates serial wire trace output capabilities of the specified processor.


<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<trace Pname="Cortex-M4">


Parents Element Chain
trace /package/devices/family/.../trace



Indicates parallel trace port output capabilities of the specified processor. This element describes possible configuration settings for capturing trace.


<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<trace Pname="Cortex-M4">
<traceport width="0x0000000B"/> <!-- support for port widths 1, 2, and 4 -->


Parents Element Chain
trace /package/devices/family/.../trace
Attributes Description Type Use
width Parallel trace port widths supported for the processor connection (see table below). NonNegativeInteger optional

The attribute width specifies the available trace port width that is supported by the device. Each bit of this value represents an available trace port size. If bit n is set a trace port width of n+1 is supported. The value width=0x00008088 (as shown in the table) indicates that three port sizes (16-bit, 8-bit, and 4-bit) are supported by the device.

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
width 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0



Indicates on-device trace buffer capabilities of the specified processor. This element describes possible configuration settings for capturing trace and reading it from the buffer.


<family Dfamily="LPC4300 Series" Dvendor="NXP:11">
<trace Pname="CoreCM4">
<tracebuffer start="0x2000C000" size="0x4000"/>


Parents Element Chain
trace /package/devices/family/.../trace
Attributes Description Type Use
start Start address of the on-chip memory used as trace buffer for a supported configuration. NonNegativeInteger optional
size Size of the on-chip memory used as trace buffer in bytes for a supported configuration. NonNegativeInteger optional



Defines a device variant. The element is optional. Can exist multiple times.


<device Dname="STM32F205RB">
<variant Dvariant="STM32F205RBT6">
<book name="doc\STM32F2_RM.PDF" title="STM32F2 Reference Manual"/>
<description>Use this device as an alternative.</description>
<feature type="QFP" count="64" name="LQFP 64 10x10x1.4" />
<feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="85" name="Industrial Temperature Range"/>
<variant Dvariant="STM32F205RBT7">
<feature type="QFP" count="64" name="LQFP 64 10x10x1.4" />
<feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="105" name="Extended Temperature Range"/>

Parents Element Chain
device /package/devices/family/../device
Attributes Description Type Use
Dvariant May get replaced by 'Dname' in the future. Name of the device on the variant level. This effectively overwrites the device name specified on the device level. Once a device section contains a variant section, only the variant elements describe a 'selectable' device which can be selected in the tools. The Dname of the device level effectively becomes a group name like the Dfamily and DsubFamily attributes. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed RestrictedStringDname required
Dname future. Name of the device on the variant level. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed RestrictedStringDname required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
processor Specify processors that are specific to this device. ProcessorType 0..*
debugconfig Specify default settings for the debug connection specific to this device. DebugConfigType 0..1
compile Specify compile or translate options specific to this device. CompileType 0..*
memory Specify memory areas that specific to this device. MemoryType 0..*
algorithm Specify Flash programming algorithms that can be used by this device. AlgorithmType 0..*
book Specify documents specific to this device. BookType 0..*
description Description specific to this device. DescriptionType 0..*
feature Specify the features of this device. DeviceFeatureType 0..*
environment Specify tool options. EnvironmentType 0..*
debugport Describe a debug port specific to this device. DebugPortType 0..*
accessportV1 Describe an access port (APv1) specific to this device. AccessPortV1Type 0..*
accessportV2 Describe an access port (APv2) specific to this device. AccessPortV2Type 0..*
debug Specify debug options specific to this device. DebugType 0..*
trace Specify trace options specific to this device. TraceType 0..*
debugvars Define debug access variables for user-defined settings specific to this device. DebugVarsType 0..1
sequences Describe debug access sequences specific to this device. SequencesType 0..1