Open-CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.7.45
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
No Matches
/package/devices element

The level <devices> contains all devices for which support is provided by the software pack.

Devices can be organized in hierarchy groups to limit redundancy. The hierarchy levels are:

  • family: the attributes of a device family which includes also the processor.
  • subFamily: attributes of an optional sub-family; this adds or modifies features of a family.

Device characteristics can be defined in:

  • device: attributes of a specific silicon device
  • variant: attributes of a device variant (for example, with different package or temperature range) or an OEM device or board that integrates the device.

A device is described by the following properties:

  • description: textual device description
  • feature: categorized list of device peripherals and features
  • book: documentation about the device and its processor(s)
  • processor: processor and processor features embedded in the device
  • compile: device specific general settings for the build tools
  • debugconfig: default settings for a debug connection
  • debugvars: global debug access variables for use in sequences.
  • sequences: debug access sequences.
  • debugport: debug port description of the device for the debugger to configure a debug connection.
  • accessportV1: access port (APv1) description of the device for the debugger to configure a debug connection.
  • accessportV2: access port (APv2) description of the device for the debugger to configure a debug connection.
  • debug: device specific information for the debugger to configure a debug connection including System View Description files.
  • trace: device specific information for the debugger to configure trace.
  • memory: memory layout of the device for internal and external RAM and ROM regions
  • algorithm: device specific Flash programming algorithms

A device will inherit the specifications from both the family and sub-family levels. Some properties are required to be unique. For example, the name of the svd file attribute of the <debug> property. Therefore, the svd file specified on the family level can be redefined by the attribute on the sub-family or device level. Information like the description and feature entries are concatenated, starting with the information from the family and sub-family level and finalizing with the information on the device level.


<!-- family level -->
<family Dfamily="STM32F2" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13">
<processor Dcore="Cortex-M3" DcoreVersion="r2p1"
Dfpu="NO_FPU" Dmpu="MPU" Dendian="Little-endian" Dclock="120000000"/>
<compile header="Device/Include/stm32f2xx.h" define="STM32F2XX"/>
<debug svd="SVD/STM32F20x.svd"/>
<algorithm name="Flash/STM32F2xx_OPT.flm" start="0x1FFFC000" size="0x00000010" style="Keil"/>
<book name="doc/STM32F2.PDF" title="STM32F2 Reference Manual"/>
Arm 32-bit Cortex-M3 CPU based Microcontroller
- 120 MHz maximum frequency producing 150 DMIPS/1.25 DMIPS/MHz
- Memory Protection Unit
- Flexible static memory controller (supports Compact Flash, SRAM, PSRAM, NOR, NAND memories)
- LCD parallel interface, 8080/6800 modes
- Clock, reset and supply management
<feature type="Timer" n="10" m="32" name="General Purpose Timer with 60 MHz"/>
<feature type="Timer" n="2" m="16" name="Advanced Control Timer with 120 MHz"/>
<feature type="Timer" n="2" m="16" name="Basic Timer with 60 MHz"/>
<feature type="TimerOther" n="1" name="Independent Watchdog Timer"/>
<feature type="TimerOther" n="1" name="Window Watchdog Timer"/>
<feature type="DAC" n="2" m="12"/>
<feature type="SPI" n="3" name="SPI Interface (two of them can be used as I2S)"/>
<feature type="I2C" n="3"/>
<feature type="USART" n="4" name="USART Interface up to 7.5 Mbit/s"/>
<feature type="UART" n="2" name="UART Interface up to 3.75 Mbit/s"/>
<feature type="USBOTG" n="1" name="USB OTG (Full-Speed) with PHY and ULPI"/>
<feature type="USBOTG" n="1" name="USB OTG (High-Speed) with PHY and ULPI"/>
<feature type="CAN" n="2" name="CAN Interface (2.0b Active)"/>
<feature type="SDIO" n="1" m="8" name="Supporting SD/MicroSD/MMC"/>
<feature type="VCC" n="1.8" m="3.6"/>
<feature type="NPU" n="Ethos-U55"/>
<!-- sub family level -->
<subFamily DsubFamily="128 Flash">
<memory name="SRAM" access="rwx" start="0x20000000" size="0x10000" default="1"/>
<memory name="Flash" access="rx" start="0x08000000" size="0x20000" startup="1" default="1"/>
<!-- device level -->
<device Dname="STM32F205RB">
<feature type="IOs" n="51" name="Input and Output Ports"/>
<variant Dvariant="STM32F205RBT6">
<feature type="QFP" count="64" name="LQFP 64 10x10x1.4" />
<feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="85" name="Industrial Temperature Range"/>
<variant Dvariant="STM32F205RBT7">
<feature type="QFP" count="64" name="LQFP 64 10x10x1.4" />
<feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="105" name="Extended Temperature Range"/>
<device Dname="STM32F205VB">
<feature type="IOs" n="82" name="Input and Output Ports"/>
<variant Dvariant="STM32F205VBT6">
<feature type="QFP" count="100" name="LQFP 100 14x14x1.4" />
<feature type="Temp" n="-40" m="85" name="Industrial Temperature Range"/>



Group level containing device family descriptions. A package can contain only one element <devices>. The group is not mandatory.



Parents Element Chain
package /package
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
family Device family group. Define all properties that are in common to devices of a family. complexType 1..*