Version 1.7.40
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
Open-CMSIS-Pack describes a delivery mechanism for software components, device parameters, and evaluation board support. The XML-based package description (PDSC) file describes the content of a software pack (file collection) that includes:
The complete file collection along with the PDSC file is shipped in ZIP-format (renamed to *.pack). The PDSC file is designed for software development environments and describes the user and device relevant context for the files supplied within such a pack file. This information can also be used for display on web sites (refer to Publish a CMSIS-Pack).
The CMSIS-Pack system solves several problems:
After installing a software pack, all included software components are available to the development tools. Software components are a collection of source modules, header and configuration files as well as libraries. Packs containing software components can also include examples and user code templates.
The Revision history lists the main changes between versions.
A software pack can be used to deliver:
All these pack types can contain in addition:
As shown in the image below, a software pack can address multiple use cases at the same time! The XML elements in the PDSC file determine the use case(s). CMSIS itself is distributed in various software packs (CORE, DSP library, RTOS implementation, etc.) and is supplied by Arm.
The following sections provide more information: