Open-CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.7.45
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
No Matches
System Description File (*.SDF) Format

An SDF file enables the silicon provider to describe more complex debug topologies than with a Debug Description in a tool agnostic way. Multiple debug and access ports and the setup of the different debug/trace components can be described consistently. Also, mandatory settings for a debugger can be described, such as trace signal delay settings, availability/usability of certain reset methods or timings, etc. This information is used by the debugger to access the right components that are requested by the user or application. The SDF format provides the XML elements for defining the debug system view of a device. These are "expert" settings that cannot be specified in a PDSC file.

SDF files are referenced in a PDSC file via the <debugconfig> element.

Example CMSIS System Description File (*.SDF)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<system_description version="2.0">
<!-- Not filled at the moment -->
<!-- Means using defaults in this area -->
<!-- Description of the scanchain -->
<!-- ARM Cortex-M0APP -->
<dap name="ARMCS-DP_CM0APP" type="ARMCS-DP" irLength="4" protocol="JTAG">
<!-- CoreSight DAP Info -->
<device_info_item name="JTAG_IDCODE">0x0BA01477</device_info_item>
<!-- Access Ports -->
<device name="CM0APP_AHB-AP" type="CSMEMAP"> <!-- Cortex-M0APP AHB-AP -->
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device_info_item name="AP_TYPE">AHB-AP</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="ROM_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE00FF000</device_info_item>
<!-- Cortex-M0APP AHB-AP Components -->
<device name="CM0APP_CPU" type="Cortex-M0">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE000E000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM0APP_DWT" type="CSDWT">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0001000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM0APP_FPB" type="CSFPB">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0002000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<!-- ARM Cortex-M4 -->
<dap name="ARMCS-DP_CM4" type="ARMCS-DP" irLength="4" protocol="SWD:JTAG">
<!-- CoreSight DAP Info -->
<device_info_item name="JTAG_IDCODE">0x4BA00477</device_info_item>
<!-- Access Ports -->
<device name="CM4_AHB-AP" type="CSMEMAP"> <!-- Cortex-M4 AHB-AP -->
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device_info_item name="AP_TYPE">AHB-AP</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="ROM_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE00FF000</device_info_item>
<!-- Cortex-M4 AHB-AP Components -->
<device name="CM4_CPU" type="Cortex-M4">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE000E000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_DWT" type="CSDWT">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0001000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_FPB" type="CSFPB">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0002000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_ITM" type="CSITM">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0000000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_TPIU" type="CSTPIU">
<device_info_item name="ARCHITECTURE" >V7-M</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="SUPPORTED_FORMATTER_MODES">CONTINUOUS</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="SUPPORTED_PORT_SIZES" >1;2;4</device_info_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0040000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_ETM" type="CSETM">
<device_info_item name="VERSION">3.5</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="SUPPORTS_CYCLE_ACCURATE">true</device_info_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0041000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_ETB" type="CSETB">
<device_info_item name="MEM_WIDTH" >32</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="RAM_SIZE_BYTES">0x4000</device_info_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0042000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<!-- Trace Links -->
<!-- Core Trace - Cortex-M4 -->
<topology_link type="CoreTrace" master="CM4_CPU" slave="CM4_DWT"/>
<topology_link type="CoreTrace" master="CM4_CPU" slave="CM4_ITM"/>
<topology_link type="CoreTrace" master="CM4_CPU" slave="CM4_ETM"/>
<topology_link type="ATB" master="CM4_ETM" slave="CM4_TPIU" slave_interface="0"/>
<topology_link type="ATB" master="CM4_ITM" slave="CM4_TPIU" slave_interface="1"/>
<!-- Trace - Cortex-M4 ETB (Direct Connection ETM -> ETB) -->
<topology_link type="ATB" master="CM4_ETM" slave="CM4_ETB"/>

SDF top level structure

The XML schema file sdf_schema.xsd defines the sections used in a *.SDF file. The current sdf_schema.xsd can be found under the ARM.CMSIS.*.Pack in the .\CMSIS\Utilities-directory.


Parents Element Chain
root description root point for SDF
Attributes Description Type Use
schemaVersion Version of sdf_schema.xsd the description is compatible with xs:decimal required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/debug_and_trace_config Description how to configure debug and trace. complexType 1..1
/system_description/platform Overall platform description. complexType 1..1



Describes the recommended debug and trace configuration for the device.

Parents Element Chain
system_description /system_description
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/debug_and_trace_config/debug Describes the debug connection configuration complexType 0..1
/system_description/debug_and_trace_config/trace Describes the trace configuration complexType 0..1



Describes the recommended debug configuration for the device.

Parents Element Chain
debug_and_trace_config /system_description/debug_and_trace_config
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/.../config_item Describes a configuration item attribute/value pair xs:string 0..*

For a list of applicable configuration items, refer to config_item.



A config_item can appear in various SDF elements. This group contains individual configuration items.

Parents Element Chain
debug /system_description/debug_and_trace_config/debug
trace_capture /system_description/debug_and_trace_config/trace/trace_capture
config_items /system_description/platform/scanchain/../config_items
Attributes Description Type Use
name Name of the configuration item. xs:string required

Debug element

The config_items applicable to the debug element are the following:

Item Description
TRSTOnConnect Debugger should perform TAP reset on connect (True/False) - Default Value:True
SRSTOnConnect Debugger should perform a System reset on connect (True/False) - Default Value:False
AllowTRST Allow the Debugger to perform TAP reset (True/False) - Default Value:True
DoSoftTRST Debugger should perform a Soft Reset (True/False) - Default Value:True
TRSTHoldTime TAP reset hold time in milliseconds - Default Value:10
TRSTPostResetTime Delay after TAP reset before next operation - Default Value:10
ResetHoldTime Time in milliseconds that the target is held in a hardware reset state - Default Value:100
PostResetDelay Time in milliseconds that the target will wait after reset is released before attempting any other debugging operations - Default Value:10
Linked_SRST_TRST Target hardware has System Reset and TAP reset physically linked (True/False) - Default Value:False

Device element

The config_items applicable to the device element are the following (only applicable for devices that are child elements of another device or DAP):

Item Description Use
CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS the 4K aligned base address of a CoreSight device Required
CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX the access port index of the device Required
CORESIGHT_AP_ADDRESS the memory-mapped access port address of the device Required for ADIv6 APv2 devices, otherwise ignored
PARENT_AP_INDEX the parent access port index of this access port Required for ADIv6 APv2 devices if accessed via a parent access port, otherwise ignored

Trace element

The config_items applicable to the trace element are the following:

  1. Parallel trace capture device configuration items ("type" = "parallel"). These "config_items" enable you to configure delays on the trace lines by a specified amount of time relative to the trace capture device defaults. These delays are used to allow for variations in target hardware. These configuration items have default values if not present.
    Item Description Default
    CLOCK_EDGE Set to 0 or 1 to specify the clock edge on which to capture data 1
    DELAY_TRACE_CLOCK Adjust the sampling point for the trace clock by the specified number of picoseconds 0
    DELAY_TRACE_SIGNAL_1 to DELAY_TRACE_SIGNAL_n Adjust the sampling point for parallel trace signal 'n' by the specified number of picoseconds 0
  2. High-speed serial trace configuration items ("type"="HSSTP"). These configuration items do not have any default values. If they are not present in the SDF file then HSSTP trace is not supported by the target.
    Item Description
    HSSTP_LANES The number of lanes (1-6)
    HSSTP_SPEED The HSSTP link speed (HSSTP_2_5Gbps, , HSSTP_3_0Gbps, HSSTP_3_125Gbps, HSSTP_4_25Gbps, HSSTP_5_0Gbps, HSSTP_6_0Gbps, HSSTP_6_25Gbps, HSSTP_8_0Gbps, HSSTP_10_0Gbps, HSSTP_10_3125Gbps, HSSTP_12_0Gbps, HSSTP_12_5Gbps, HSSTP_SETM_1_5Gbps, HSSTP_SETM_3_0Gbps, HSSTP_SETM_6_0Gbps)
    HSSTP_NDALT Reverse byte bit-ordering (HSSTP_NDALT_Disabled/HSSTP_NDALT_Enabled)
    HSSTP_CRC The type of CRC to use (HSSTP_CRC_Enabled, HSSTP_CRC_Disabled, HSSTP_CRC_Reversed, HSSTP_CRC_Ignored)


<device name="CM4_ETM" type="CSETM">
<device_info_item name="VERSION">3.5</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="SUPPORTS_CYCLE_ACCURATE">true</device_info_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0041000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>



Describes the recommended trace configuration for the device.

Parents Element Chain
debug_and_trace_config /system_description/debug_and_trace_config
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/debug_and_trace_config/trace/trace_capture Describes the trace capture device complexType 0..*



Describes settings for the trace capture device.

Parents Element Chain
trace /system_description/debug_and_trace_config/trace
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/.../config_item Describes a configuration item attribute/value pair complexType 0..*
Attributes Description Type Use
type Trace capture type: for example parallel or HSSTP. xs:string required



Describes the platform configuration (scanchain, topology and cluster arrangement).

Parents Element Chain
system_description /system_description
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/platform/scanchain Lists all DAPs/Devices in the order that they appear on the scanchain (Note - order is reverse to DAP references in PDSC files). The first device in the scanchain is one closest to target's TDI pin. complexType 0..*
/system_description/platform/topology Describes the system topology complexType 0..1
/system_description/platform/clusters Describes the cluster arrangement complexType 0..1



Lists all DAPs/devices in the order that they appear on the scanchain.

The order is reverse to the DAP references in PDSC files. The first device in the scanchain is the one closest to the target's TDI pin.
Parents Element Chain
platform /system_description/platform
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/platform/scanchain/dap Describes a DAP and a list of devices associated with that DAP. complexType 0..*
/system_description/platform/scanchain/device Describes a single device on the scan chain. complexType 0..*


<!-- Description of the scanchain -->
<!-- ARM Cortex-M0APP -->
<dap name="ARMCS-DP_CM0APP" type="ARMCS-DP" irLength="4" protocol="JTAG">
<!-- CoreSight DAP Info -->
<device_info_item name="JTAG_IDCODE">0x0BA01477</device_info_item>
<!-- Access Ports -->
<device name="CM0APP_AHB-AP" type="CSMEMAP"> <!-- Cortex-M0APP AHB-AP -->
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device_info_item name="AP_TYPE">AHB-AP</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="ROM_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE00FF000</device_info_item>
<!-- Cortex-M0APP AHB-AP Components -->
<device name="CM0APP_CPU" type="Cortex-M0">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE000E000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM0APP_DWT" type="CSDWT">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0001000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM0APP_FPB" type="CSFPB">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0002000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<!-- ARM Cortex-M4 -->
<dap name="ARMCS-DP_CM4" type="ARMCS-DP" irLength="4" protocol="SWD:JTAG">
<!-- CoreSight DAP Info -->
<device_info_item name="JTAG_IDCODE">0x4BA00477</device_info_item>
<!-- Access Ports -->
<device name="CM4_AHB-AP" type="CSMEMAP"> <!-- Cortex-M4 AHB-AP -->
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device_info_item name="AP_TYPE">AHB-AP</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="ROM_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE00FF000</device_info_item>
<!-- Cortex-M4 AHB-AP Components -->
<device name="CM4_CPU" type="Cortex-M4">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE000E000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_DWT" type="CSDWT">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0001000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_FPB" type="CSFPB">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0002000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_ITM" type="CSITM">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0000000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_TPIU" type="CSTPIU">
<device_info_item name="ARCHITECTURE" >V7-M</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="SUPPORTED_FORMATTER_MODES">CONTINUOUS</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="SUPPORTED_PORT_SIZES" >1;2;4</device_info_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0040000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_ETM" type="CSETM">
<device_info_item name="VERSION">3.5</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="SUPPORTS_CYCLE_ACCURATE">true</device_info_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0041000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM4_ETB" type="CSETB">
<device_info_item name="MEM_WIDTH" >32</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="RAM_SIZE_BYTES">0x4000</device_info_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0042000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>



Describes a DAP and a list of devices associated with that DAP.

Parents Element Chain
scanchain /system_description/platform/scanchain
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/platform/scanchain/device List of devices associated with this DAP. complexType 0..*
/system_description/platform/scanchain/../../device_info_items Contains implementation details for the DAP. Applicable items for a DAP are "JTAG_IDCODE" (the JTAG ID code for the DAP) or "DPIDR" (the Debug Port Identification Register contents). complexType 0..*
/system_description/platform/scanchain/../../config_items Configuration items specific to a DAP type. complexType 0..*
Attributes Description Type Use
name Unique name of the DAP. xs:string required
type Specifies the type of the DAP (e.g. ARMCS-DP). xs:string required
irLength Specifies the IR length of the DAP (default value: 4). xs:string optional
protocol Colon delimited list of protocols via which the DAP can be use. Possible values are SWD, JTAG, and cJTAG. xs:string optional
targetsel Specifies the SW-DPv2 TARGETSEL register value that selects this DAP in a serial-wire debug multi-drop system. xs:string optional


<system_description version="2.0">
<!-- Not filled at the moment -->
<!-- Means using defaults in this area -->
<!-- Description of the scanchain -->
<!-- ARM Cortex-M0APP -->
<dap name="ARMCS-DP_CM0APP" type="ARMCS-DP" irLength="4" protocol="JTAG">
<!-- CoreSight DAP Info -->
<device_info_item name="JTAG_IDCODE">0x0BA01477</device_info_item>
<!-- Access Ports -->
<device name="CM0APP_AHB-AP" type="CSMEMAP"> <!-- Cortex-M0APP AHB-AP -->
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device_info_item name="AP_TYPE">AHB-AP</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="ROM_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE00FF000</device_info_item>
<!-- Cortex-M0APP AHB-AP Components -->
<device name="CM0APP_CPU" type="Cortex-M0">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE000E000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM0APP_DWT" type="CSDWT">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0001000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device name="CM0APP_FPB" type="CSFPB">
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE0002000</config_item>
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>



Parents Element Chain
scanchain /system_description/platform/scanchain
dap /system_description/platform/scanchain/dap
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/platform/scanchain/device Describes a single nested device associated with this device. complexType 0..*
/system_description/platform/scanchain/../../device_info_items Describes a sequence of device information items. complexType 0..*
/system_description/platform/scanchain/../../config_items Configuration items specific to this device. complexType 0..*
Attributes Description Type Use
name Unique name of the device. xs:string required
type Specifies the device type (see below). xs:string required
irLength Specifies the IR length of the device (default value: 4). xs:string optional

Depending on the context, a device type can be one of the following types:

  1. A core device, where the type is usually specified as "Cortex-xx" (such as Cortex-A72,Cortex-M0+, Cortex-R5). It can also be a vendor-specific core type, or an older JTAG ARM core. Current cores are:
    "Cortex-A5", "Cortex-A7", "Cortex-A8", "Cortex-A9", "Cortex-A12", "Cortex-A15", "Cortex-A17", "Cortex-A32", "Cortex-A35", "Cortex-A53", "Cortex-A57", "Cortex-A72", "Cortex-A73", "Cortex-M0", "Cortex-M0+", "Cortex-M0+_JTAG-AP", "Cortex-M1", "Cortex-M3", "Cortex-M3_JTAG-AP", "Cortex-M4", "Cortex-M7", "Cortex-M23", "Cortex-M33", "Cortex-M35P", "Cortex-M55", "Cortex-R4", "Cortex-R5", "Cortex-R7", "Cortex-R8", "Cortex-R52", "SC000", "SC100D", "SC200D", "SC300", "ThunderX", "ThunderX-r2", "ARMV8MBL", "ARMV8MML", "ARMV81MML", "88FR101", "88FR111", "88FR331", "88SV581x-v7_PJ4", "88SV581x-v7_PJ4_TZ", "ARM1136JF-S", "ARM1136JF-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM1156T2F-S", "ARM1156T2F-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM1176JZF-S", "ARM1176JZF-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM11MPCore", "ARM11MPCore_JTAG-AP", "ARM710T", "ARM720T", "ARM720T_r4", "ARM740T", "ARM7EJ-S", "ARM7EJ-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM7TDMI", "ARM7TDMI_JTAG-AP", "ARM7TDMI_r4", "ARM7TDMI_r4_JTAG-AP", "ARM920T", "ARM922T", "ARM925T", "ARM926EJ-S", "ARM926EJ-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM940T", "ARM946E-S", "ARM946E-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM966E-S", "ARM966E-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM968E-S", "ARM968E-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM968E-Srd", "ARM996HS", "ARM9E-S", "ARM9EJ-S", "ARM9EJ-S_JTAG-AP", "ARM9TDMI", "V7A-Generic", "V8-Generic", "V8M-Generic", "V8R-Generic", "V8_1-Generic", "V8_2-Generic".
  2. An Access Port (AP) type such as "CSAUTHAP", "CSJTAGAP" or "CSMEMAP".
  3. A CoreSight device type that can be one of "CSCTI", "CSETM", "CSITM", "CSMTB", "CSPMU", "CSPTM", "CSTFunnel", "CSTMC", "CSTPIU","CSSTM", "CSSWO", "CSELA", "CSATBReplicator", "CSGPR", "CSETB", "CSDWT", "CSETB", "CSTSGEN", "CSHTM", "CSFPB"
  4. A JTAG device, which is directly on the scanchain (e.g. ARM11).


<system_description version="2.0">
<!-- Not filled at the moment -->
<!-- Means using defaults in this area -->
<!-- Description of the scanchain -->
<device name="My Custom TAP" type="Other" irLength="5">
<!-- JTAG-TAP Info -->
<device_info_item name="JTAG_IDCODE">0x04560014</device_info_item>



The configuration items are specific to the device type or DAP. Refer to /system_description/.../config_item for a list of applicable device information items and a code example.

Parents Element Chain
device /system_description/platform/../device
dap /system_description/platform/scanchain/dap
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/.../config_item Describes a configuration item. complexType 0..*



The device information items are specific to the type of device or DAP and describe implementation specific details. Refer to /system_description/platform/scanchain/../../device_info_items/device_info_item for a list of applicable device information items and a code example.

Parents Element Chain
device /system_description/platform/../device
dap /system_description/platform/scanchain/dap
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/platform/scanchain/../../device_info_items/device_info_item Describes a sequence of device information items. xs:string 0..*



Describes implementation specific details of the specified device or DAP.

Parents Element Chain
device_info_items /system_description/platform/../../device_info_items
Attributes Description Type Use
name Unique name for the device information item. xs:string required

The following device information items are applicable for each type of "device":

Device Device Information Item Description
CSMEMAP AP_TYPE Access port type is one of AHB-AP, APB-AP-M, APB-AP, APB4-AP and AXI-AP
ROM_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS The ROM table base address (in hex)
AP_VERSION AP architecture version is one of APv1 and APv2 (Default Value: APv1)
CSETM VERSION The ETM Version (e.g. 4.0 - required)
SUPPORTS_CONTEXT_IDS Supports Context ID Tracing (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_VIRTUAL_CONTEXT_IDS Supports Virtual Context ID Tracing (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_CYCLE_ACCURATE Supports Cycle Accurate Trace (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_DATA_VALUE_TRACE Supports Data Value Trace (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_DATA_ADDRESS_TRACE Supports Data Address Trace (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_DATA_ONLY_MODE Supports Data Only Trace Mode (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_TIMESTAMPS Supports Timestamps(True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_TRACE_RANGES Supports Trace Ranges (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_BRANCH_BROADCAST Supports Branch Broadcasting (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_CONDITIONAL_INSTRUCTIONS Supports tracing conditional non-branch instruction (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_Q_ELEMENTS Supports Q Elements (True/False - Default Value:False)
CSMTB RAM_SIZE_BYTES MTB SRAM buffer size in bytes
SUPPORTS_USER_PRIV User/Privileged support present
CSTPM VERSION The PTM Version (eg 1.1) - Required
SUPPORTS_VMID VMID Tracing support (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_CONTEXT_IDS Context ID Tracing support (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_RETURN_STACK Return stack support (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_CYCLE_ACCURATE Cycle Accurate trace support (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_BRANCH_BROADCAST Supports Branch Broadcasting (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_TIMESTAMPS Supports Timestamping (True/False - Default Value:False)
SUPPORTS_FIFOFULL Supports FIFOFULL (True/False - Default Value:False)
CSTMC CONFIG_TYPE The TMC device configuration can be one of (ETR, ETF or ETB) - required
RAM_SIZE_BYTES The SRAM memory size used in ETF and ETR configurations (512 Bytes to 4 GiB) - Default: 512 Bytes
CSTPIU SUPPORTED_PORT_SIZES Semicolon separated list of supported port sizes (in bits) - required
ARCHITECTURE The TPIU variant is one of (Coresight, TPIU-Lite, V7-M or V8-M) - Required


<system_description version="2.0">
<!-- Description of the scanchain -->
<!-- ARM Cortex-M0APP -->
<dap name="ARMCS-DP_CM0APP" type="ARMCS-DP" irLength="4" protocol="JTAG">
<!-- CoreSight DAP Info -->
<device_info_item name="JTAG_IDCODE">0x00000000</device_info_item>
<!-- Access Ports -->
<device name="CM0APP_AHB-AP" type="CSMEMAP"> <!-- Cortex-M0APP AHB-AP -->
<config_item name="CORESIGHT_AP_INDEX">0</config_item>
<device_info_item name="AP_TYPE">AHB-AP</device_info_item>
<device_info_item name="ROM_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS">0xE00FF000</device_info_item>



Describes the system topology.

Parents Element Chain
platform /system_description/platform
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/platform/topology/topology_link Describes how CoreSight devices and cores are connected. complexType 0..*


<system_description version="2.0">
<!-- Trace Links -->
<!-- Core Trace - Cortex-M4 -->
<topology_link type="CoreTrace" master="CM4_CPU" slave="CM4_DWT"/>
<topology_link type="CoreTrace" master="CM4_CPU" slave="CM4_ITM"/>
<topology_link type="CoreTrace" master="CM4_CPU" slave="CM4_ETM"/>
<topology_link type="ATB" master="CM4_ETM" slave="CM4_TPIU" slave_interface="0"/>
<topology_link type="ATB" master="CM4_ITM" slave="CM4_TPIU" slave_interface="1"/>
<!-- Trace - Cortex-M4 ETB (Direct Connection ETM -> ETB) -->
<topology_link type="ATB" master="CM4_ETM" slave="CM4_ETB"/>



Describes how CoreSight devices and cores are connected.

Parents Element Chain
topology /system_description/platform/topology
Attributes Description Type Use
name Unique name for the link. xs:string optional
type Specifies the link type. Can be on of the following: ATB, CoreTrace, or CTITrigger. xs:string required
master Unique name of the master device in the link. xs:string required
slave Unique name of the slave device in the link. xs:string required
mater_interface Specifies the mater interface number. xs:string optional
slave_interface Specifies the slave interface number. xs:string optional
trigger Specifies the trigger number. xs:string optional


A complete set of links for a Cortex-A7 implementation with ETM and TPIU might look like this:

master="Cortex-A7_0" slave="CSCTI_6" trigger="7" type="CTITrigger"
master="CSETM_0" slave="CSCTI_6" trigger="6" type="CTITrigger"
master="Cortex-A7_0" slave="CSETM_0" type="CoreTrace"
master="CSETM_0" slave="CSTFunnel_2" slave_interface="0" type="ATB"
master="CSTFunnel_2" slave="CSTFunnel_0" slave_interface="1" type="ATB"
master="CSTFunnel_0" slave="CSTMC_0" type="ATB"
master="CSTMC_0" slave="CSTPIU" type="ATB"



Describes the cluster arrangement.

Parents Element Chain
platform /system_description/platform
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/system_description/platform/clusters/cluster Lists the devices that make up the cluster and a unique name for the cluster. complexType 0..*



Lists the devices that make up the cluster.

Parents Element Chain
clusters /system_description/platform/clusters
Attributes Description Type Use
name Unique name for the cluster (for example Cortex-A15_SMP_0). xs:string required
devices Colon separated list of named devices in the cluster, for example "Cortex-A15_0:Cortex-A15_1:Cortex-A15_2:Cortex-A15_3". xs:string required