Open-CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.7.45
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
No Matches
/package/boards element

The level <boards> describes a development board that is the subject of a Board Support Pack (BSP). It contains information about the board vendor and name, a brief description, images to be displayed on web pages, and different types of documentation. The microcontroller devices that are mounted on the board or that are compatible with the ones mounted are also specified. A list of features concludes the <boards> section.

A development board is described by the following properties:

  • description: a brief description of the development board
  • book: documentation about the board (user manuals, schematics, etc.)
  • mountedDevice: the microcontroller device mounted on the development board.
  • compatibleDevice: compatible microcontroller devices.
  • mountedPart: a part (any device other than the MCU) mounted on the development board.
  • image: pictures of the board to be displayed on web pages.
  • feature: categorized list of the development board's features and peripherals.
  • debugInterface: describing the debug capabilities.
  • debugProbe: describing the on-board debug probe.
  • memory: additional memory provided by the board
  • algorithm: additional flash programming algorithms for the board-specific memory
  • environment: tool specific settings


<board vendor="STMicroelectronics" name="32F429IDISCOVERY" revision="Rev.1" salesContact="" orderForm=";pn=STM32F429I-DISCO">
<description>STMicroelectronics STM32F429I Discovery Board Support and Examples</description>
<image small="Images/stm32f429i-disco_small.png" large="Images/stm32f429i-disco.png"/>
<book category="overview" name="" title="32F429IDISCOVERY Web Page"/>
<book category="setup" name="Documents/UM1662.pdf" title="Getting Started"/>
<book category="schematic" name="Documents/UM1670.pdf" title="Schematics"/>
<book category="manual" name="Documents/UM1670.pdf" title="User Manual"/>
<mountedDevice Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13" Dname="STM32F429ZITx"/>
<compatibleDevice Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13" Dfamily="STM32F4 Series" DsubFamily="STM32F429"/>
<mountedPart n="1" Hvendor="STMicroelectronics" Hname="I3G4250D" Hvariant="I3G4250D"/>
<feature type="ODbg" n="1" name="On-board ST-LINK/V2 with selection mode switch to use the kit as a standalone"/>
<feature type="XTAL" n="80000000"/>
<feature type="PWR" n="5" name="USB Powered"/>
<feature type="PWR" n="3" m="5" name="External Supply"/>
<feature type="RAM" n="1" name="64 MBit SDRAM"/>
<feature type="DIO" n="4" m="32" name="Extension header for LQFP144 with 2.54 mm Pitch"/>
<feature type="USB" n="1" name="High-Speed USB OTG with micro-AB Connector"/>
<feature type="ConnOther" n="1" name="JP3 (Idd) for current measurement"/>
<feature type="Button" n="2" name="Push-buttons: User and Reset"/>
<feature type="Gyro" n="1" name="L3GD20, ST MEMS motion sensor, 3-axis digital output gyroscope"/>
<feature type="LED" n="6" name="Com, 3.3 V Power, Two user, Two USB OTG LEDs"/>
<feature type="CustomFF" n="66" m="119.3" name="Discovery Board Formfactor"/>
<feature type="GLCD" n="1" m="240.320" name="2.4 inch QVGA TFT LCD"/>
<debugInterface adapter="ST-Link" connector="Mini-USB"/>
<debugProbe connector="Mini-USB" debugClock="10000000" debugLink="swd" name="ST-Link"/>



Grouping element for boards. No more than one such group can exist in a Pack. None is required.

Parent Chain
package /package
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
board Description of the board BoardType 1..*



This element provides information to specify the board support. At least one board must be defined.

Parent Chain
boards /package/boards
Attributes Description Type Use
vendor name of the board vendor xs:string required
name name of the development board xs:string required
revision Revision of the board that is suited to be used with the BSP. xs:string optional
uuid Specifies a 128-bit UUID that is embedded it in the debugger firmware of the board tag. Format: 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters. Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 128-bit UUID optional
salesContact Either an email address or web page to contact the sales department. xs:string optional
orderForm Link to a web page for ordering the development board. xs:anyURI optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
description Brief summary of the board (maximum 256 characters, recommended 128 characters). BriefDescType 1
feature Describes the features of the development board. BoardsFeatureType 1..*
mountedDevice Specifies the specific microcontroller device mounted on the development board. BoardsDeviceType 1..*
compatibleDevice Specifies compatible microcontroller devices. CompatibleDeviceType 1..*
mountedPart Specifies the parts (all devices other than the MCU) mounted on the development board. MountedPartType 0..*
image Carries pictures of the boards to be displayed on web pages. Directory and file names are case-sensitive. ComplexType 0..1
debugInterface Describes the debug interface of the development board. The expectation is that boards provides a hardware connector to attach external debug adapters and/or on-board debug adapters, unless the board has device = "NO_MCU" or represents virtual hardware. DebugInterfaceType 0..*
book Describes the documentation files (user manuals, schematics, etc.). Directory and file names are case-sensitive. BoardsBookType 0..*
debugProbe Specify on-board debug probe. DebugProbeType 0..1
memory Specify memory areas that board specific. MemoryType 0..*
algorithm Specify Flash programming algorithms for memory provided by the board. AlgorithmType 0..*
environment Specify tool specif settings. EnvironmentType 0..*



This element contains information about the features and capabilities of a board. A list of pre-defined features exists.


<feature type="PWR" n="3" m="5" name="Element: Board feature"/>


Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
type Defines board features. Select predefined values from the table Board Features. BoardFeatureTypeEnum required
n Depends on attribute type. Check table Board Features for details. xs:string optional
m Depends on attribute type. Check table Board Features for details. xs:string optional
name Descriptive name of the feature. If omitted, a Default Name is used (refer to table Board Feature Types). Do not repeat the n or m values in the name. This will lead to duplicate entries on web sites (they show n x name). xs:string optional


Table: Board Features

The table below lists predefined board features.

  • The attribute name of the element /package/boards/board/feature is a descriptive text for a feature. If name is omitted, the Default Name (listed below) is used.
  • Do not repeat the n or m values in the name. Display on websites follows the rule to show n x name.
type= n= m= Default Name Example Example shown as
ODbg Number of Debug Adapters N/A Integrated Debug Adapter <feature type="ODbg" n="1" name="Integrated ST-Link on USB Connector J13"/> 1 x Integrated ST-Link on USB Connector J13
XTAL Oscillator Frequency N/A Crystal Oscillator <feature type="XTAL" n="8000000"/> 8 MHz Crystal Oscillator
PWR Minimum Input Voltage Maximum Input Voltage Power Supply <feature type="PWR" n="8" m="12"/> 8 V - 12 V Power Supply
PWRSock Number of Power Sockets N/A Power Socket <feature type="PWRSock" n="1" name="Coaxial Power Receptacle"/> 1 x Coaxial Power Receptacle
Batt Number of Batteries N/A Battery <feature type="Batt" n="1" name="CR2032 Battery for RTC"/> 1 x CR2032 Battery for RTC
Curr Typical Current Maximum Current Current <feature type="Curr" n="0.320" m="0.375"/> 320 mA (typ), 375 mA (max) Current
CoreOther Number of Features N/A Other Core Feature <feature type="CoreOther" n=1 name="My Other Core Feature"/> 1 x My Other Core Feature
RAM Number of RAMs N/A RAM <feature type="RAM" n="1" name="512 kB Static RAM"/> 1 x 512 kB Static RAM
ROM Number of ROMs N/A Flash <feature type="ROM" n="1" name="4 MB NAND-Flash"/> 1 x 4 MB NAND-Flash
Memory Number of Additional Memory N/A Memory <feature type="Memory" n="128" name="EEPROM"/> 128 byte EEPROM
MemCard Number of Card Holders N/A SD/microSD/MMC Card Holder <feature type="MemCard" n="2" name="SD Card Holder"/> 2 x SD Card Holder
MemoryOther Number of Other Memory N/A Other Memory Type <feature type="MemoryOther" n="1" name="1 kB MRAM"/> 1 x 1 kB MRAM
DIO Number of Digital I/Os N/A Digital I/Os <feature type="DIO" n="26" name="Digital IOs on 2 x 13 pin header (1.27 mm pitch)"/> 26 x Digital IOs on 2 x 13 pin header (1.27 mm pitch)
AIO Number of Analog I/Os N/A Analog I/Os <feature type="AIO" n="4" name="Analog Inputs on 4 pin header (1.27 mm pitch)"/> 4 x Analog Inputs on 4 pin header (1.27 mm pitch)
Proto n Rows m Columns Prototyping Area <feature type="Proto" n="4" m="7" name="Prototyping Area with 1.00 mm pitch"/> 4 x 7 Prototyping Area with 1.00 mm pitch
USB Number of USB Connectors N/A USB <feature type="USB" n="2" name="Full-Speed USB Device, Micro-B receptacle"/> 2 x Full-Speed USB Device, Micro-B receptacle
ETH Number of Ethernet Connectors Data Rate in Bit/s Ethernet <feature type="ETH" n="1" m="10000000" name="RJ45 Receptacle"/> 1 x 10 Mbit/s RJ45 Receptacle
SPI Number of SPI Connectors N/A SPI <feature type="SPI" n="1" name="4-Pin Header, 1.27 mm Pitch"/> 1 x 4-Pin Header, 1.27 mm Pitch
I2C Number of I2C Connectors N/A I2C <feature type="I2C" n="1" name="2-Pin Header, 1.27 mm Pitch"/> 1 x 2-Pin Header, 1.27 mm Pitch
RS232 Number of RS232 Connectors N/A RS232 <feature type="RS232" n="1" name="DB9 Male Connector"/> 1 x DB9 Male Connector
RS422 Number of RS422 Connectors N/A RS422 <feature type="RS422" n="1" name="4-Pin Header, 1.27 mm Pitch"/> 1 x 4-Pin Header, 1.27 mm Pitch
RS485 Number of RS485 Connectors N/A RS485 <feature type="RS485" n="1" name="DB9 Male Connector"/> 1 x DB9 Male Connector
CAN Number of CAN Connectors N/A CAN <feature type="CAN" n="1" name="DB9 Male Connector"/> 1 x DB9 Male Connector
IrDA Number of IrDA Diodes N/A Diode <feature type="IrDA" n="1" name="Diode Transceiver"/> 1 x Diode Transceiver
LineIn Number of Line In Jacks N/A Line In <feature type="LineIn" n="1" name="TRS Audio Jack"/> 1 x TRS Audio Jack
LineOut Number of Line Out Jacks N/A Line Out <feature type="LineOut" n="1" name="TRS Audio Jack"/> 1 x TRS Audio Jack
MIC Number of Microphone Jacks N/A Microphone <feature type="MIC" n="1" name="TS Audio Jack (Mono)"/> 1 x TS Audio Jack (Mono)
Edge n Rows m Columns Edge <feature type="Edge" n="2" m="24"/> 2 x 24 Pin Edge
ConnOther Number of Other Connectors N/A Other Connector Type <feature type="ConnOther" n="1" name="My Other Connector"/> 1 x My Other Connector
Button Number of Push-Buttons N/A Push-buttons <feature type="Button" n="3" name="Push-buttons: Reset, Wake Up, User"/> 3 Push-buttons: Reset, Wake Up, User
Poti Number of Potentiometer N/A Potentiometer <feature type="Poti" n="1"/> 1 x Potentiometer
Joystick Number of Joysticks N/A Joystick <feature type="Joystick" n="1" name="5-position Joystick"/> 1 x 5-position Joystick
Touch Number of Touch Keys N/A Touch Keys/Area <feature type="Touch" n="1"/> 1 x Touch Keys/Area
ContOther Number of Other Controls N/A Other Control <feature type="ContOther" n=1 name="My Other Control Feature"/> 1 x My Other Control Feature
Accelerometer Number of Accelerometer N/A Accelerometer <feature type="Accelerometer" n="1" name="3-axis digital Accelerometer"/> 1 x 3-axis digital Accelerometer
Gyro Number of Gyroscopes N/A Gyroscope <feature type="Gyro" n="1" name="3-axis digital Gyroscope"/> 1 x 3-axis digital Gyroscope
Compass Number of Compass N/A Digital Compass <feature type="Compass" n="1" name="High-Precision Digital Compass"/> 1 x High-Precision Digital Compass
TempSens Number of Temperature Sensors N/A Temperature Sensor <feature type="TempSens" n="1"/> 1 x Temperature Sensor
PressSens Number of Pressure Sensors N/A Pressure Sensor <feature type="PressSens" n="1"/> 1 x Pressure Sensor
LightSens Number of Light Sensors N/A Ambient Light Sensor <feature type="LightSens" n="1"/> 1 x Ambient Light Sensor
SensOther Number of Other Sensors N/A Other Sensor <feature type="SensOther" n=1 name="My Other Sensor Feature"/> 1 x My Other Sensor Feature
CustomFF x [mm] y [mm] Custom Formfactor <feature type="CustomFF" n="54" m="26" name="40-Pin DIP with 0.1-inch Pitch"/> 54 mm x 26 mm, 40-Pin DIP with 0.1-inch Pitch
ArduinoFF 1 N/A Arduino Formfactor <feature type="ArduinoFF" n="1"/> Arduino Formfactor
FreedomFF 1 N/A Freedom Formfactor <feature type="FreedomFF" n="1"/> Freedom Formfactor
TowerFF 1 N/A Tower Formfactor <feature type="TowerFF" n="1"/> Tower Formfactor
LED Number of LEDs N/A LEDs <feature type="LED" n="3" name="Multicolor LEDs"/> 3 x Multicolor LEDs
Camera Number of Camera Interfaces N/A Camera <feature type="Camera" n="1" name="Digital VGA Camera"/> 1 x Digital VGA Camera
LCD Number of Segment LCD Controller Com.Seg as a decimal number (see example) LCD <feature type="LCD" n="1" m="16.40" name="Segment LCD Controller"/> 1 x 16 x 40 Segment LCD Controller
GLCD Number of Graphic LCD Controller Maximum Resolution as a decimal number (see example) GLCD <feature type="GLCD" n="1" m="320.240" name="2.4 inch Color TFT LCD with resistive touchscreen"/> 320 x 240 Pixel 2.4 inch Color TFT LCD with resistive touchscreen
Speaker Number of Speakers N/A Speaker <feature type="Speaker" n="1"/> 1 x Speaker
VirtualHW 1 N/A Arm Virtual Hardware <feature type="VirtualHW" n="1"/> Arm Virtual Hardware
Other Number of Other Features N/A Other Feature <feature type="Other" n=1 name="My Other Feature"/> 1 x My Other Feature



The element specifies the devices mounted on the board. Exactly one device must be specified per deviceIndex. In case no device is mounted on the board, like in the case of the daughter boards (called also expansion or extension boards), the Dvendor and Dname attributes shall be set respectively to "NO_VENDOR:0" and "NO_MCU".


<mountedDevice deviceIndex="0" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13" Dname="STM32F429ZITx"/>


Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
deviceIndex Index number of the device (in case more than one device is present on the board). xs:string optional
Dvendor Is the name of vendor of the device specified by Dname. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Vendor. If no device is mounted on the board, use predefined value "NO_VENDOR:0". DeviceVendorEnum required
Dname Is the name of the target device used on the board. If the device is specified by a variant this string needs to be assigned to the Dname attribute. If no device is mounted on the board, use value "NO_MCU". xs:string required



This element contains information about devices that are compatible to the device used on the board. Compatible means that the user is able to generate code for compatible devices and test it on the development board. At least one compatible device must be specified. In case no compatible device exists for the device mounted on the board or if no device is mounted on the board, like in the case of the daughter boards (called also expansion or extension boards), the Dvendor and Dname attributes shall be set respectively to "NO_VENDOR:0" and "NO_MCU".


<compatibleDevice Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13" Dfamily="STM32F4 Series" DsubFamily="STM32F429"/>

Since Dfamily and DsubFamily are volatile, it is recommended to use Dname attribute with wild-cards.

<compatibleDevice Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13" Dname="STM32F429*"/>


Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
deviceIndex Index number of the device (in case more than one device is present on the board). xs:string optional
Dvendor Vendor name of the target device specified by Dname. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Vendor. If no compatible device exists for the device mounted on the board or if no device is mounted on the board, use predefined value "NO_VENDOR:0". This element is required if at least one of the following attributs is defined: Dname, DsubFamily, Dfamily. DeviceVendorEnum required
Dname* Name of the target device used on the board. Requires Dvendor to be specified. xs:string optional
Dfamily Name of the target device family used on the board. Requires Dvendor to be specified. xs:string optional
DsubFamily Name of the target device sub-family used on the board. Requires Dvendor to be specified. xs:string


*) Wild-cards can be used to match names with the following definitions:

  • '*' matches any substring
  • '?' matches any single character
  • [abc] matches any character in the set (a,b,c)



The element specifies the parts (any device other than the MCU) mounted on the board. The Hname attribute, togheter with the Hvendor and (eventually) the Hvariant, must uniquely specify the part.


<mountedPart n="1" Hvendor="STMicroelectronics" Hname="STSAFE-A110" Hvariant="STSAFA110DFSPL02"/>


Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
n Number of the parts with the same name and vendor mounted on the board. xs:string required
Hvendor Vendor name of the part specified by Hname. xs:string required
Hname The part name used by the part vendor to identify and group a specific set of parts. xs:string required
Hvariant Specifies the exact part name (e.g. the commercial/selling name) in case the one indicated in the Hname is not enough to uniquely identify the part. xs:string optional



This element specifies the picture of a development board. Maximum one image element can be specified. None must be specified. Four different picture types (large, small, bottom and perspective) can be specified for the same <image> element at the same time. Attribute large displays the 'top' side of the board.


<image large="Images/board_image_1.png"


Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
large Specifies the path to a large image. The path is relative to the pack base directory or a link to an image on an external web site. Attribute 'large' displays the 'top' side of the board. xs:string optional
small Specifies the path to a small image. The path is relative to the pack base directory or a link to an image on an external web site. Attribute 'small' displays the 'top' side of the board at a lower resolution than in 'large' attribute. xs:string optional
bottom Specifies the path to a bottom image. The path is relative to the pack base directory or a link to an image on an external web site. xs:string optional
perspective Specifies the path to a perspective image. The path is relative to the pack base directory or a link to an image on an external web site. xs:string optional
public Set publishing permissions for the documentation. If <public> is true, then the vendor gives permission to extract the documentation from the Pack and publish it on a web-page. Links to web pages are assumed to be public. If no <public> tag is available, it is assumed that publishing is allowed (default value is true). xs:boolean optional



This element describes the debug interface of a board. All available debug interfaces specifying on-board adapters as well as hardware connectors for external debug adapter should be listed here. If a board has no device mounted or if the board describes virtual hardware there maybe no debug entries listed.


<debugInterface adapter="JTAG/SW" connector="20-pin Arm Standard JTAG Connector (0.1 inch connector)"/>
<debugInterface adapter="JTAG/SW" connector="10-pin Cortex Debug Connector (0.05 inch connector)"/>
<debugInterface adapter="JTAG/SW" connector="20-pin Cortex Debug + ETM Connector (0.05 inch connector)"/>
<debugInterface adapter="ST-Link" connector="Mini-USB"/>


Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
adapter String describing the debug adapter. Common adapters are: JTAG/SW (for all adapters supporting JTAG and Serial-Wire Debug), CMSIS-DAP, OpenSDA, J-Link, ST-Link, Nu-Link. xs:string optional
connector String describing the debug connector. Usually one of these: 10-pin Cortex Debug Connector, 20-pin Arm Standard JTAG Connector, 20-pin Cortex Debug + ETM Connector, Mini-USB, Micro-USB. xs:string optional



This element specifies an optional on-board debug probe.

Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
deviceIndex xs:string optional
name Type of on-board debug probe. CMSIS-DAP, DAP-Link, or ST-Link required
version Debug probe version. xs:string required
debugLink Debug connection from probe to processor. jtag, or swd required
debugClock Debug controller clock speed. NonNegativeInteger required
connector String describing the debug connector. Usually one of these: Mini-USB, Micro-USB, USB-C. xs:string required



The element provides information about documentation parts related to a development board.


<book category="overview" name="" title="32F429IDISCOVERY Web Page"/>
<book category="setup" name="Documents/UM1662.pdf" title="Getting Started"/>


Parent Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
category Describes the type of documentation. Use predefined values as defined in the table Board Book Categories. BoardBookCategoryEnum optional
name Is the name of the document (including the path within the Pack). The link to a document on an external web site is also allowed. xs:string optional
title Is the title of the document to be displayed in the Books window of uVision. xs:string optional
public Set publishing permissions for the documentation. If <public> is true, then the vendor gives permission to extract the documentation from the pack and publish it on a web-page. Links to web pages are assumed to be public. The default value is true. xs:boolean optional


Table: Board Book Categories

The table lists values to identify a specific type of documentation for development boards.

category= Description
setup Documentation about how to setup the development board.
schematic Schematics of the development board.
overview Overview/data sheet of the development board.
manual User manual of the development board
layout PCB layout file of the board (e.g. in Gerber format)
other All other documentation.
By convention, the following <book> entry:
<book category="other" name="" title="Guide"/>
specifies a Markdown based documentation page for the board that can be displayed on web sites.



This element specifies memory regions that boards may add. Memory types are predefined and can be selected.


<board vendor="MyVendor" name="Board-1">
<memory name="SRAM-EX" access="rwx" start="0x40000000" size="0x200000"/>
<algorithm name="Flash/SRAM-EX.flm" start="0x40000000" size="0x200000" style="Keil"/>

Parents Element Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is for boards that use devices with multiple processors. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional

Unique name of the memory to be used in conjunction with access.

If a memory with the same name is already defined in a parent scope, the parent one is extended/overwritten.

Backward compatibility: If no 'name' attribute is given but 'id' attribute is still present, the given 'id' attribute is used as the 'name'.

xs:string optional
access Access permission of the memory. See MemoryAccessTypeString for details. MemoryAccessTypeString optional
start Base address of the memory using a hexadecimal value. NonNegativeInteger required
size Size of the memory in bytes using a hexadecimal value. NonNegativeInteger required

Indicates a general purpose memory region, that does not require any special considerations (access speed, remapping, protection, etc.).

If true, then the memory region will be used by the linker.

Default value is false.

xs:boolean optional
startup If true, the startup code of the application will be placed into this memory region. Default value is false. xs:boolean optional

If true, the memory region shall be kept uninitialized (i.e. keep the memory state as is).

Default value is false.

xs:boolean optional
alias Reference to another memory (by it's 'name' attribute) which shares the same physical memory. Some physical memory is made accessible via different addresses, for example, cached vs. non-cached accesses. This avoids the impression that the device has twice as much memory available. xs:string optional



Specify Flash programming algorithms with the address range and its size for board-specific memory. An algorithm with <default> set to true gets configured automatically to the download options of the project.

Parents Element Chain
board /package/boards/board
Attributes Description Type Use
Pname Processor identifier. This attribute is for boards that use devices with multiple processors. Only alphabetical characters, decimal digits, '-' and '_' are allowed. RestrictedString optional
name Flash Programming Algorithm file including the path, which is relative to the root folder of the software pack. xs:string required
start Base address for the Flash programming algorithm. NonNegativeInteger required
size Size covered by the Flash programming algorithm. End address = start + size - 1 NonNegativeInteger required
RAMstart Base address for the RAM where the Flash programming algorithm will be executed from. If specified, the memory element does not require a default attribute. NonNegativeInteger optional
RAMsize Maximum size of RAM available for the execution of the Flash programming algorithm. End address = start + size - 1 is used for the Stack. If specified, the memory element does not require a default attribute. NonNegativeInteger optional
default If true, then this is the default Flash programming algorithm that gets configured in a project. If not specified or set to false, then the Flash programming algorithm can be configured on a lower level. However, the Flash programming algorithm of a project can be changed manually at any time during development. xs:boolean optional
style [Version 1.4.0] Today, different toolchains support different styles of incompatible flash programming algorithms. The attribute specifies the style of the specified flash programming algorithm. For backward compatibility the default value is Keil. The aim is to converge to the CMSIS style. AlgorithmStyleEnum




See description at /package/devices/family/.../environment.