Version 1.7.40
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
The element /package/parts describes a set of hardware parts (devices other than the MCUs) contained in a Part pack (like the element <components> is used to describe software components, the element <parts> here defined is used to describe hardware components).
A part must have a vendor (Hvendor=), a name (Hname=) and a class (Hclass=) which are used to identify the part. Optionally, a part may have a group (Hgroup=) and a sub-group (Hsub=) to add further categories, a revision (Hrevision=) in case different cuts of the same part exists, and a variant (Hvariant=).
A part is therefore identified by a name and a class together with the vendor specified by the pack. A part vendor must ensure that the combination of name, revision, class, variant, group and sub-group is unique and not used by multiple parts.
Grouping element for parts. No more than one such group can exist in a Part Pack.
Parent | Chain | ||
package | /package | ||
Child Elements | Description | Type | Occurrence |
part | Description of the part | PartType | 1..* |
This element specifies a part. At least one part element must be specified per parts.
Parent | Chain | ||
parts | /package/parts | ||
Attributes | Description | Type | Use |
Hvendor | Defines the vendor this part is shipped by. It is a mandatory part of the part ID and will be inherited from the package vendor if not specified. | xs:string | optional |
Hname | The part name used by the part vendor to identify and group a specific set of parts | xs:string | required |
Hclass | Defines the part class to which the part belongs. | HclassType | optional |
Hgroup | Defines the part group to which the part belongs. | HgroupType | optional |
Hsub | Defines the part subgroup. | HsubType | optional |
Hvariant | Specifies the exact part name (e.g. the commercial/selling name) in case the one indicated in the Hname is not enough to uniquely identify the part. | xs:string | optional |
Child Elements | Description | Type | Occurrence |
feature | Describes the features of the part. | DeviceFeatureType | 0..* |
book | Specifies documents that are relevant for the part. | BookType | 0..* |
image | Specifies the part pictures. | ComplexType | 0..1 |
environment | Specifies tool specific settings. | EnvironmentType | 0..* |
Part Subgroups are specified by the element Hsub and create subcategories within Part Classes (Hclass) and Part Groups (Hgroup). A Hsub name is of type HsubType, that is a xs:string with a length between 3 and 32 characters. No Hsub names have been predefined.
Part Subgroups can be used in element /package/parts/part
See description at /package/devices/family/.../feature.
See description at /package/devices/family/.../book.
This element specifies the part pictures. Maximum one image element can be specified. Three different picture types (top, bottom and perspective) can be specified for the same <image> element at the same time. Attribute top displays the 'top' side of the part (or the main part picture).
Parent | Chain | ||
part | /package/parts/part | ||
Attributes | Description | Type | Use |
top | Specifies the path to the top (or the main) part image. The path is relative to the pack base directory or a link to an image on an external web site. | xs:string | required |
bottom | Specifies the path to the bottom part image. The path is relative to the pack base directory or a link to an image on an external web site. | xs:string | optional |
perspective | Specifies the path to a perspective part image. The path is relative to the pack base directory or a link to an image on an external web site. | xs:string | optional |
public | Set publishing permissions for the image. If <public> is true, then the vendor gives permission to extract the image file from the Pack and publish it on a web-page. Links to web pages are assumed to be public. If no <public> tag is available, it is assumed that publishing is allowed (default value is true). | xs:boolean | optional |
See description at /package/devices/family/.../environment.