Open-CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.7.37
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
ZIP Compression Tools

Any ZIP software utility supporting the compression method DEFLATE can be used to create a Pack file. Simply, create the ZIP file and rename it to *.pack.


The compression tool 7-Zip supports command line calls and can be used in generation scripts like for automated Pack file creation (and verification with packchk).

Installing on Linux

Use your package manager to install 7-Zip. On a Ubuntu machine, use:

$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

Installing on Windows

In the download section of 7-Zip, download the appropriate installer for your Windows system. Use defaults for your installation. assumes that your installation path is "C:\Program Files\7-Zip". If you choose to use another location, please adapt the path in the Bash script.