Open-CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.7.42
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
Pack tutorials

These are the basic steps that are required to create a software pack:

  1. Produce input: Create the files that will be delivered with the pack (source code, header and library files, documentation).
  2. Organize files: For better maintainability, use directories to separate the content of the pack.
  3. Create PDSC file: The XML based PDSC file can be created using any text editor. Editors that can validate XML code against a schema file help to find bugs early in the pack development stage.
  4. Generate pack: Any compression tool supporting the ZIP format can be used to create a pack file. packchk is helpful for the validation of the contents of a pack.

Steps 3 and 4 above are covered automatically if you are using the script to generate the pack.

Online tutorials

The Open-CMSIS-Pack GitHub presence contains three pack tutorials that show how to create different types of packs:

To work with these tutorials, make sure that you have installed the environment that is required for Checking CMSIS-Packs as this will be used to verify and create the tutorial packs.