Tools, software frameworks, and work flows for productivity with CMSIS based projects
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Command Line Build

The following Bash scripts and command line tools can be used for managing the build of CMSIS Projects from the command line. These scripts can be easily adopted to specific environments and are intended as a minimal reference. CMSIS-Build tools are available for download among Open-CMSIS-Pack devtools releases.

For command line build with software packs, the following tools and utilities are provided.

Tool/Script Description Setup of the CMSIS command line build environment Start the overall command line build process
cbuildgen Create Make or CMakeLists.txt file and manage software layers
CMake CMake utility to generate binary images
cpackget Download and install software packs in CMSIS-Pack format
  • For the above command line build tools and scripts a Bash environment is required. For Windows, install for example git for Windows which includes Git Bash.
  • All Bash scripts show a reference implementation and can be easily adopted to the user's needs. They can also be replaced by other scripts written in Python for example. The only tool you still require is cbuildgen.