Reference Applications

This chapter explains how to work with Reference Applications that can run on several evaluation boards.


The CMSIS-Pack format supports different types of project examples:

  • Template Projects are stub projects that help getting started. Some software packs may contain device-specific templates.
  • Examples are created for a specific hardware or evaluation board. These are typically complete projects that directly interface with board and device peripherals.
  • Reference Applications use defined interfaces (APIs) and are therefore hardware agnostic. These project examples show the usage of middleware components and require additional software layers with API drivers for the specific target hardware, typically an evaluation board.

The following sections explain the usage, structure, and creation of Reference Applications that can target many different evaluation boards.

Refer to Pack Creation s» Project Examples for information on how to publish project examples as part of software packs.

Types of Reference Applications

Reference Applications may show the usage of middleware, software libraries, and custom code that can run on many different target hardware boards. Such software uses application programming interfaces (APIs) to interface with hardware interfaces or other software components.

MDK-Middleware Reference Applications

The MDK-Middleware provides software components for IPv4/IPv6 networking, USB Host/Device communication, and a variety of file systems for data storage.

The MDK-Middleware software pack contains Reference Applications that show how to use these software components. These examples are hardware agnostic; adding a board layer that provides the required APIs allows running the example project on specific target hardware.

MDK-Middleware Example

The picture above shows how a USB HID example connects to a board-specific software layer. The Reference Application does not specify a target hardware. For execution on target hardware, a software layer is required that provides the hardware-specific APIs. These board-specific layers are provided in BSP packs, which allows the example to run on many different hardware targets.

The Reference example uses connections: to list the consumed (required) APIs. The board layer in the BSP pack provides these connections: and may offer several additional connections:, making the layer suitable for a wide range of Reference Applications.

As the Reference Application is not hardware-specific, it does not define a target type. Also, it does not add the board-specific software layer. It requires two steps to configure the *.csolution.yml file of such an example for an evaluation board. Refer to the Usage section for more information.

Reference Application *.csolution.yml file

  compiler: AC6
# Step 1: Specify DFP and BSP for the device and board, for example with:
#   - pack: Keil::STM32U5xx_DFP
#   - pack: Keil::B-U585I-IOT02A_BSP

# Step 1: Specify your board, for example with:
#   - type: STM32U585
#     board: B-U585I-IOT02A
# Step 2: Run `cbuild setup` and use cbuild-idx.yml to identify variables, for example:
#     variables:
#       - Board-Layer:  $SolutionDir()$/Board/B-U585I-IOT02A/Board.clayer.yml

Sensor Reference Applications

The overall concept of Reference Applications and the same board-specific software layers can be used for a wide range of software stacks. For example, a sensor SDK pack may provide Reference Applications that show the usage of a MEMS sensor. This MEMS sensor is additional hardware that could be provided by a widely supported Arduino UNO shield.

The sensor SDK with the related Arduino shield can be structured to work with a wide range of evaluation boards that offer a compatible board-specific software layer.

The overall structure of a sensor example project is shown in the picture below. It is composed of:

  • The Reference Application with sensor-specific middleware that shows the usage of a MEMS sensor.
  • Layer type: Board contains the hardware-specific setup of an evaluation board with a Cortex-M processor along with drivers, i.e. for SPI or I2C that connect to the pins of the Arduino shield.
  • Layer type: Shield defines the pin routing of the Arduino UNO shield, which adds the MEMS sensor to the evaluation board.

Sensor Reference Application


As the connections: for the MEMS sensor are specific to the sensor itself, the same Reference Application also works with an evaluation board that integrates the MEMS sensor (and, therefore, requires no Shield layer). In this case, the board-specific software layer adds the sensor-specific connections:.

Targeting Custom Hardware

A Reference Application may serve as a starting point for user applications that target custom hardware.

It is required to provide:

  • A software layer with a compatible set of APIs (connections:) consumed by the Reference Application. This software layer can be added along with the target type (in the *.csolution.yml file) that defines the custom hardware.


It is not required to define connections: as this information is only used to identify compatible layers.

  • A header file that replaces the CMSIS_target_header. Refer to Header File Structure for more information.

Example *.csolution.yml file for custom hardware

  compiler: AC6
    - type: MyHardware
      device: STM32U585AIIx      # custom hardware uses only a device definition
        - Board-Layer:  %SolutionDir$/MyTarget/MyHardware.clayer.yml

Example MyHardware.clayer.yml

You may use a *.clayer.yml file for implementing the HAL drivers for the application and define the CMSIS_target_header as shown below:

    - CMSIS_target_header: "\"MyHardware.h\""


A Reference Application is an incomplete *.csolution.yml project file that requires additional intervention.

The following steps explain how to compile the project:

Step 1: Add DFP and BSP

In the *.csolution.yml file under the packs: node, add the DFP (for the device) and the BSP (for the board). Under target-types:, add your board.

    - pack: Keil::STM32U5xx_DFP
    - pack: Keil::B-U585I-IOT02A_BSP
    - type: MyBoard
      board: B-U585I-IOT02A         # name of a target board

Step 2: Run cbuild setup

Run cbuild setup with the *.csolution.yml file. This identifies compatible layers with an output similar to:

>cbuild setup xxx.csolution.yml
error csolution: undefined variables in xxx.csolution.yml:
  - $Board-Layer$
To resolve undefined variables, copy the settings from cbuild-idx.yml to csolution.yml

The related *.cbuild-idx.yml should contain information similar to this:

  generated-by: csolution version 2.4.0
  cdefault: cdefault.yml
  csolution: xxx.csolution.yml
    - target-type: B-U585I-IOT02A
        - configuration: 
            - Board-Layer: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/B-U585I-IOT02A_BSP/2.0.0/Layers/IoT/Board.clayer.yml
              description: B-U585I-IOT02A Board setup for IoT
              path: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/B-U585I-IOT02A_BSP/2.0.0/Layers/IoT
              file: Board.clayer.yml
              copy-to: .Board/U585

As a user, you have now two choices to work with the identified software layer:

Refer layers in ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}

This is useful when there is no plan to modify the software layer, for example, in the early phase of adoption.

    - type: B-U585I-IOT02A
      board: B-U585I-IOT02A         # name of a target board
        - Board-Layer: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/B-U585I-IOT02A_BSP/2.0.0/Layers/IoT/Board.clayer.yml

Copy layers to csolution project

This allows the modification of the layer, for example, adding or removing drivers or changing device settings.

It requires these steps:

  1. Copy all files from path, i.e. ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/B-U585I-IOT02A_BSP/2.0.0/Layers/IoT to the local csolution project directory.
  2. If set, remove the R/O attribute from the copied files.
  3. Under variables:, add the path to the *.clayer.yml file. Use $SolutionDir() as base path to make the project portable.
    - type: B-U585I-IOT02A
      board: B-U585I-IOT02A         # name of a target board
        - Board-Layer: $SolutionDir()$/Board/B-U585I-IOT02A/Board.clayer.yml


The copy step is executed for you by some IDEs during the Create New Project workflow.


The following section describes the overall file structure of Reference Applications.

Project Files

A *.csolution.yml project file containing software layers for two different evaluation boards should look like the one shown below. This project contains three examples that show the different features of USB device middleware.

The actual example project (HID, MSC, or CDC1) is selected using a context set; the compiler is selected using the --toolchain option. To translate the completed Reference Applications use:

cbuild USB_Device.csolution.yml --context-set --toolchain AC6

Example USB_Device.csolution.yml file for two boards with three projects

  created-for: CMSIS-Toolbox@2.4.0

    - type: B-U585I-IOT02A
      board: B-U585I-IOT02A
        - Board-Layer: $SolutionDir()$\Board\B-U585I-IOT02A\Board.clayer.yml

    - type: LPC55S69-EVK            # type name identical with board name?
      board: LPC55S69-EVK
        - Board-Layer: $SolutionDir()$\Board\LPC55S69-EVK\Board.clayer.yml

    - type: Debug
      debug: on
      optimize: debug
    - type: Release
      debug: off
      optimize: balanced

    - project: HID/HID.cproject.yml
    - project: MSC/MassStorage.cproject.yml
    - project: CDC1/VirtualCOM.cproject.yml

Typical Directory Structure

The table below shows the typical directory structure of the above example from the programmer's point of view. The software layer in the directory ./Board is copied from the BSP of the related board.

Directory Content Content
USB_Device.csolution.yml Overall CMSIS solution project file.
./HID/ HID example project from MDK-Middleware pack.
./MSC/ MSC example project from MDK-Middleware pack.
./CDC1/ CDC1 example project from MDK-Middleware pack.
./Board/B-U585I-IOT02A Board software layer from B-U585I-IOT02A BSP.
./Board/LPC55S69-EVK Board software layer from LPC55S69-EVK BSP.

Header File Structure

The interfaces between the software layers are defined in header files. Thus, is it possible to reuse the various software blocks with other build systems that are not CMSIS aware. The following diagram shows the overall header file structure.

Header File Structure

The Reference Application has no direct access to hardware. Therefore, it does not use the CMSIS_device_header provided by the CMSIS-Core that defines the registers and interrupt mapping.

To access target hardware, these header files are used by the Reference Application:

  • Standardized Driver API header files are used for communication with device peripherals. Header files of CMSIS-Drivers are provided by the CMSIS base software pack.
  • The configuration of the driver interfaces is defined by the CMSIS_target_header. This header therefore specifies the available resources of the target hardware that can be used by the Reference Application. The Header File Example shows a typical structure of the CMSIS_target_header.
  • When a shield is applied to an evaluation board, the CMSIS_shield_header extends the resource configuration of the CMSIS_target_header.


The driver implementation of the hardware abstraction might use shim layer as shown on the right side of above diagram. For example, the driver implementation for STM32 devices uses the STM32 HAL.

Application Program Start

A Reference Application starts with the C function app_main as shown below.

#include CMSIS_target_header    // board resource definitions 

// reference application of a middleware component
int app_main (void)  {


The application may use an RTOS kernel or run a simple while loop. Additional software components such as CMSIS-View, CMSIS-DSP, or MbedTLS are added directly to the Reference Application. In general, the connections: that are consumed should be minimized, allowing the example to be run on many different target boards.

Board Layer

The board layer provides system startup, board/device hardware initialization, and transfers control to the application. It also exposes various drivers and interfaces.

Typical Features:

  • System startup, including clock and memory configuration.
  • Device/Board hardware initialization.
  • Calls the application startup function.
  • Drivers for board peripherals [optional].
  • Interfaces to LEDs and switches [optional].
  • STDIO re-targeting to debug interfaces [optional].
  • Shield setup and drivers for Arduino interfaces [optional].
  • Heap and Stack configuration [optional].


  • CMSIS startup and system file for device initialization.
  • main.c source module that implements the function main.
  • Optional drivers and interfaces (CMSIS-Drivers, GPIO, STDIO).
  • Files that relate to the device and/or board configuration (i.e. generated by MCUXpresso or STM32CubeMX)
  • Linker script definition for boards that require specific memory configurations.

The configuration parameters of the available APIs are defined in CMSIS_target_header.

Generator Usage:

The board-specific software layer is used in many different projects. When a board configuration is generated by tools, such as MCUXpresso or STM32CubeMX, for example, configure the generator output directory and import file using the generators: node in the *.clayer.yml file as shown below:


      - generator: CubeMX
        path: ./CubeMX
        name: Board

Shield Layer

A shield layer adds support for additional hardware via plugin shields (i.e. Arduino Uno). Arduino shields consume connections with the prefix ARDUINO_UNO_. In the future, other shields may be supported as well.

Shields may feature various hardware modules such as WiFi chips or MEMS sensors. Frequently, the shield's software layer only defines a header file that redirects the Arduino-specific connect: to a chip-specific connect:, which is then used by application software.

The shield's software layer is configured from the board software layer, which calls the following function:

extern int32_t shield_setup (void);


Connections are only used to identify compatible software layers. Since there are no strict rules for the connect Name, it is possible to extend it with additional namespacing, i.e., prefixing with ST_ to denote ST-specific interfaces.

There are also no strict rules on how the different software layers consume or provide the connect names. However, guidelines will be developed once reference applications mature.

Currently, the following connect names are used.

connect name Value Description
. . Arduino Shield Interface
ARDUINO_UNO_UART - CMSIS-Driver USART connecting to UART on Arduino pins D0..D1
ARDUINO_UNO_SPI - CMSIS-Driver SPI connecting to SPI on Arduino pins D10..D13
ARDUINO_UNO_I2C - CMSIS-Driver I2C connecting to I2C on Arduino pins D20..D21
ARDUINO_UNO_I2C-Alt - CMSIS-Driver I2C connecting to I2C on Arduino pins D18..D19
ARDUINO_UNO_D0 .. D21 - CMSIS-Driver GPIO connecting to Arduino pins D0..D21
. . CMSIS Driver and RTOS Interfaces
CMSIS_ETH - CMSIS-Driver ETH connected to physical board connector
CMSIS_MCI - CMSIS-Driver MCI connected to physical board connector
CMSIS_USB_Device - CMSIS-Driver USB Device connected to physical board connector
CMSIS_USB_Host - CMSIS-Driver USB Host connected to physical board connector
CMSIS_VIO - CMSIS-Driver VIO interface for virtual I/O
. . I/O Retargeting
STDERR - Standard Error output
STDIN - Standard Input
STDOUT - Standard Output
. . Memory allocation
Heap Heap Size Memory heap configuration


  • what features of CMSIS-RTOS2 are typically used by board layers?
  • more information about Heap. How is it configured? Which existing Reference Applications are using it? FreeRTOS has its own heap management; is it really required?


Connects to a CMSIS-Driver USART Interface configured in asynchronous UART mode with no modem lines.

CMSIS_target_header contains the driver instance number with this definition:

#define ARDUINO_UNO_UART    3     // CMSIS-Driver USART instance number


ARDUINO_UNO_I2C or ARDUINO_UNO_I2C-Alt connects to a CMSIS-Driver I2C Interface configured in controller mode.

CMSIS_target_header contains the driver instance number with this definition:

#define ARDUINO_UNO_I2C    0     // CMSIS-Driver I2C instance number


Connects to a CMSIS-Driver SPI Interface configured in controller mode and CPOL/CPHA frame format (no TI or Microwire).

The Target Select (SS) pin (typically on ARDUINO_UNO_D10) is not handled by CMSIS-Driver SPI interface; it is driven by the GPIO interface.

CMSIS_target_header contains the driver instance number with this definition:

#define ARDUINO_UNO_SPI    1     // CMSIS-Driver SPI instance number


The ARDUINO_UNO_D0 .. ARDUINO_UNO_D21 connects to a CMSIS-Driver GPIO Interface.

CMSIS_target_header contains the pin mapping to the physical driver.

#define ARDUINO_UNO_D0  GPIO_PORTD(9U)  /* USART3: RX */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D1  GPIO_PORTD(8U)  /* USART3: TX */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D11 GPIO_PORTE(15U) /* SPI1: MOSI */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D12 GPIO_PORTE(14U) /* SPI1: MISO */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D13 GPIO_PORTE(13U) /* SPI1: SCK  */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D20 GPIO_PORTB(8U)  /* I2C1: SDA  */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D21 GPIO_PORTB(9U)  /* I2C1: SCL  */


Connects to a CMSIS-Driver Ethernet Interface that offers a physical Ethernet connector on the evaluation board.

CMSIS_target_header contains the pin mapping to the physical driver.

#define CMSIS_DRIVER_ETH    0     // CMSIS-Driver Ethernet instance number


Connects to a CMSIS-Driver MCI Interface that offers a physical memory card connector on the evaluation board.

CMSIS_target_header contains the pin mapping to the physical driver.

#define CMSIS_DRIVER_MCI    0     // CMSIS-Driver MCI instance number


Connects to a CMSIS-Driver USB Device Interface that offers a physical USB connector on the evaluation board.

CMSIS_target_header contains the pin mapping to the physical driver.

#define CMSIS_DRIVER_USBD   0     // CMSIS-Driver USB Device instance number


Connects to a CMSIS-Driver USB Host Interface that offers a physical USB connector on the evaluation board.

CMSIS_target_header contains the pin mapping to the physical driver.

#define CMSIS_DRIVER_USBH   0     // CMSIS-Driver USB Host instance number


Connects to a CMSIS-Driver VIO Interface, a virtual I/O interface that connects on physical boards to LEDs and switches.


The STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR describe the I/O redirection via the CMSIS-Compiler software component. Typically, the redirect is to a UART dedicated to debugging.

Arduino Shield

The software layers Board and Shield are currently based on Arduino UNO connectors. To combine different boards and shields a consistent pin naming is required. The standardized mapping is shown in the diagram below.

Arduino Shield Pinout

Header File Example

Two header files contain I/O configuration settings for the application program:

  • CMSIS_target_header defines the resources available by the evaluation board.
  • CMSIS_shield_header extends this CMSIS_target_header with resources of a shield that is applied to an evaluation board.

Refer to Header File Structure for more information.


#ifndef B_U585I_IOT02A_H_
#define B_U585I_IOT02A_H_

#include "stm32u5xx_hal.h"
#include "GPIO_STM32U5xx.h"
#include "Driver_I2C.h"          // ToDo are these headers included in CMSIS_target_header?
#include "Driver_SPI.h"
#include "Driver_USART.h"

// B-U585I-IOT02A Arduino Connector Pin Definitions
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D0  GPIO_PORTD(9U)  /* USART3: RX */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D1  GPIO_PORTD(8U)  /* USART3: TX */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D11 GPIO_PORTE(15U) /* SPI1: MOSI */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D12 GPIO_PORTE(14U) /* SPI1: MISO */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D13 GPIO_PORTE(13U) /* SPI1: SCK  */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D20 GPIO_PORTB(8U)  /* I2C1: SDA  */
#define ARDUINO_UNO_D21 GPIO_PORTB(9U)  /* I2C1: SCL  */

// CMSIS Driver instances on Arduino connector
#define ARDUINO_UNO_I2C     1
#define ARDUINO_UNO_SPI     1
#define ARDUINO_UNO_UART    3

// CMSIS Driver instances of Board peripherals
#define CMSIS_DRIVER_USBD   0  // instance of CMSIS-Driver USB Device

// CMSIS Drivers
extern ARM_DRIVER_I2C   Driver_I2C1;
extern ARM_DRIVER_SPI   Driver_SPI1;

#ifdef CMSIS_shield_header
#include CMSIS_shield_header

#endif /* B_U585I_IOT02A_H_ */



// FRDM-STBC-AGM01 Shield Reset
#define RESET_GPIO              ARDUINO_UNO_D17

#define SHIELD_MULTIB   0
#define SHIELD_NONE     1
#define SHIELD_AGM01    2
#define SHIELD_AGM02    3
#define SHIELD_AGMP03   4
#define SHIELD_AGM04    5

// Shield Setup (default configuration)
extern int32_t shield_setup (void);

#endif /* _FRDM_STBC_AGM01_SHIELD_H_ */