Experimental Features

Experimental features are implemented to iterate on new functionality. Experimental features have limited test coverage and the functionality may change in future versions of the CMSIS-Toolbox without further notice.

The CMSIS-Toolbox version 2.7 implements the experimental features for: - Resource Management - Run and Debug Management

Hardening and finalizing of this features is planned for CMSIS-Toolbox version 2.8.

Resource Management

In a multi-processor or multi-project application the target type describes the target hardware. A solution is a collection of related projects and the context-set defines the projects that are deployed to the target hardware. A project uses a subset of resources (called regions at linker level).

The linker script management is extended for multi-processor or multi-project applications with the following features:

  • When resources: node is specified in one of the *.cproject.yml or *.clayer.yml files of a csolution project:

    • The file .\cmsis\<solution-name>+<target-name>.regions.h is generated. This file contains the global region settings of a solution for one target-type.
    • The file .\cmsis\<solution-name>+<target-name>.regions.h replaces the regions_<device_or_board>.h that is located in the directory ./RTE/Device/<device>. The regions_<device_or_board>.h is longer generated.
  • A define: <project-name>_cproject is always added to the linker script pre-processor (also when no resources: node is used).

The following picture explains the extended linker script management for multi-project applications.

Linker Script Management for Multi-Project Applications


The resources: node specifies the resources required by a project. It is used at the level of project:, setup:, or layer:. The resources: node is additive; when multiple resources: nodes specify the same region the size is added.


In a next iteration, the linker script may be generated by the CMSIS-Toolbox and features from uVision to allocate source modules to specific regions may get added. Therefore the resources: node is forward looking in the way heap and stack is specified.

      - region: __ROM0    # region name pre-defined in script template: __ROM0..3
        size: 0x10000     # specifies region size
#       name: ITCM_Flash  - maps to physical memory name(s), if missing use PDSC default memory
#       address:          - absolution address of region; not in scope for 2.7
#       startup:          - locate startup/vectors to this region; not in scope for 2.7
#       align:            - alignment restrictions of the regions; not in scope for 2.7

      - region: __RAM0    # region name pre-defined in script template: __RAM0..3
        size:  0x8000     # specifies region size
        heap:  0x2000     # heap size (only permitted region __RAM0)
        stack: 0x4000     # stack size (only permitted in region __RAM0)
#       name:             - maps to physical memory name(s), if missing use PDSC default memory
#         - SRAM1
#         - SRAM2
#       address:          - absolution address of region; not in scope for 2.7
#       align:            - alignment restrictions of the regions; not in scope for 2.7
#       sections:         - potentially locate sections (requires linker script generation); not in scope for 2.7
#         - .text.function

Example <solution-name>+<target-name>.regions.h file


// Generated by csolution 2.7.0 based on packs and csolution project resources
// Device Family Pack (DFP):   Keil::STM32F7xx_DFP@3.0.0
// Board Support Pack (BSP):   Keil::STM32F746G-DISCO_BSP@1.0.0

// Available Physical Memory Resources
// rx ROM:   Name: ITCM_Flash (from DFP)  BASE: 0x00200000  SIZE: 0x00100000
// rx ROM:   Name: Flash (from DFP)       BASE: 0x08000000  SIZE: 0x00100000 (default)
// rwx RAM:  Name: DTCM (from DFP)        BASE: 0x20000000  SIZE: 0x00010000
// rwx RAM:  Name: SRAM1 (from DFP)       BASE: 0x20010000  SIZE: 0x00020000 (default)
// rwx RAM:  Name: SRAM2 (from DFP)       BASE: 0x20030000  SIZE: 0x00020000 (default)
// rwx RAM:  Name: BKP_SRAM (from DFP)    BASE: 0x40024000  SIZE: 0x00001000
// rwx RAM:  Name: ITCM (from DFP)        BASE: 0x00000000  SIZE: 0x00004000

#ifdef A_cproject
// Resources allocated in A.cproject.yml

#define __ROM0_BASE  0x08000000      /* Memory Name: Flash */
#define __ROM0_SIZE  0x00010000

#define __RAM0_BASE  0x20010000      /* Memory Name: SRAM1 */
#define __RAM0_SIZE  0x00008000

#define __STACK_SIZE 0x00004000
#define __HEAP_SIZE  0x00002000

#endif /* A_cproject */

#ifdef B_cproject
// Resources allocated in B.cproject.yml

#define __ROM0_BASE  0x08010000      /* Memory Name: Flash */
#define __ROM0_SIZE  0x00030000

#define __RAM0_BASE  0x20018000      /* Memory Name: SRAM1+SRAM2 */
#define __RAM0_SIZE  0x00020000

#define __STACK_SIZE 0x00000200
#define __HEAP_SIZE  0x00000000

#endif  /* B_cproject */

#endif /* USBD_STM32F746G_DISCO_REGIONS_H */


  • Should the <solution-name>+<target-name>.regions.h file contain also #define symbols for the overall available memory, i.e. for a boot loader?

Adding Memory

Hardware targets may have additional off-chip memory. A memory: node that can be added as additional information to a target type as shown below:

    - type: MyHardware
      device: STMicroelectronics::STM32F746NGHx
      memory:                                  # Additional memory available in MyHardware
        - name: Ext-Flash                      # Identifier
        - access: rx                           # access permission 
        - start: 0x40000000        
        - size: 0x200000
        - algorithm: Flash/Ext-Flash.flm       # Programming algorithm

Run and Debug Management

The CMSIS-Pack PDSC files contain information about device/board parameters and software components:

The CMSIS-Toolbox build system manages device/board/software components, controls the build output (typically ELF/DWARF files), and has provisions for HEX, BIN and post-processing. It allows to manage different target-types and the context set manages the images that belong to a target.

In addition the user may need the following information which should be added to the YML-Input files for the CMSIS-Toolbox.

  • Flash algorithms for external memory in custom hardware (see Adding Memory).
  • ToDo: Additional images that should be loaded.
  • ToDo: Device configuration information.
  • ToDo: Access information for protected debug ports (i.e. encryption keys).


The <target-name>.cbuild-run.yml is generated in the output folder and provides the relevant information for executing Run and Debug commands. Using the option --output allows to redirect the build information files, the tmp and out directory. It is planned to introduce for VS Code the .cmsis folder that contains the output. Overall the *.cbuild-run.yml file:

  • simplifies the usage of flash programmers and debuggers.
  • provides information for command line and IDE workflows in a consistent way.
  • ensures that information is portable, i.e from a cloud-hosted CI system to a desktop test system.

The <target-name>.cbuild-run.yml file provides access to PDSC information and the build output of one target. It also exports the Debug Access Sequences.

Run and Debug Information Management

The <solution-name>+<target-name>.cbuild-run.yml file represents a context-set of a solution.

Content of <target-name>.cbuild-run.yml:

  generated-by: csolution version 2.7.0
  solution: CubeMX.csolution.yml
  target-type: MyBoard_ROM
  compiler: AC6
  device: STMicroelectronics::STM32U585AIIx
  device-pack: Keil::STM32U5xx_DFP@3.0.0
  board: STMicroelectronics::B-U585I-IOT02A:Rev.C
  board-pack: Keil::B-U585I-IOT02A_BSP@2.0.0
    - algorithm: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/STM32U5xx_DFP/3.0.0/CMSIS/Flash/STM32U5xx_2M_0800.FLM
      start: 0x08000000
      size: 0x00200000
      ram-start: 0x20000000
      ram-size: 0x00008000
      default: true
    - algorithm: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/STM32U5xx_DFP/3.0.0/CMSIS/Flash/STM32U5xx_2M_0C00.FLM
      start: 0x0C000000
      size: 0x00200000
      ram-start: 0x20000000
      ram-size: 0x00008000
      default: true
    - algorithm: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/STM32U5xx_DFP/3.0.0/CMSIS/Flash/MX25LM51245G_STM32U575I-EVAL.FLM
      start: 0x70000000
      size: 0x04000000
      ram-start: 0x20000000
      ram-size: 0x000A0000
    - file: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/Keil/STM32U5xx_DFP/3.0.0/CMSIS/SVD/STM32U585.svd
      type: svd
    - file: out/CubeMX/MyBoard_ROM/Debug/CubeMX.axf
      type: elf

# information that may get added (from DFP, BSP) specific to the target
# https://open-cmsis-pack.github.io/Open-CMSIS-Pack-Spec/main/html/packFormat.html
  board:                                     # Board element
  debug-port:                                # Information from DFP

    default-settings:                        # Default debug configuration
      default:                               # debug protocol (SWD or JTAG) to use for target connections.
      clock:                                 # clock setting in Hz for a target connection.
      swj:                                   # allows Serial Wire Debug (SWD) and JTAG protocols
      dormant:                               # device access via CoreSight DP requires the dormant state
      sdf: ${CMSIS_PACK_ROOT}/DFP-path/<sdf> # path of the system description file (SDF).




The *.cbuild-run.yml file can be directly passed to programmers and debug tools, for example using a command line option. It contains all information that needs to be passed.

>programmer --csolution MyHardware.cbuild-run.yml